- Added machine position reporting to status queries. This will be
further developed with part positioning/offsets and maintaining
location upon reset.
- System variables refactored into a global struct for better
- Removed old obsolete Ruby streaming scripts. These were no longer
compatible. Updated Python streaming scripts.
- Fixed printFloat() and other printing functions.
- Decreased planner buffer back to 18 blocks and increased TX serial
buffer to 64 bytes. Need the memory space for future developments.
- Begun adding run-time modes to grbl, where block delete toggle, mm/in
reporting modes, jog modes, etc can be set during runtime. Will be
fleshed out and placed into EEPROM when everything is added.
Added a very short (25 ms) user-definable delay before the steppers are
disabled at the motors are disabled and grbl goes idle. This ensures
any residual inertia at the end of the last motion does not cause the
axes to drift and grbl to lose its position when manually entering
g-code or when performing a tool change and starting the next
- Update grbl version and settings version to automatically reset
eeprom. FYI, this will reset your grbl settings. - Saved
3*BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE doubles in static memory by removing obsolete
variables: speed_x, speed_y, and speed_z. - Increased buffer size
conservatively to 18 from 16. (Probably can do 20). - Removed expensive!
modulo operator from block indexing function. Reduces significant
computational overhead. - Re-organized some sqrt() calls to be more
efficient during time critical planning cases, rather than non-time
critical. - Minor bug fix in planner max junction velocity logic. -
Simplified arc logic and removed need to multiply for CW or CCW
- Significant improvements in the planner. Removed or reordered
repetitive and expensive calculations by order of importance:
recalculating unchanged blocks, trig functions [sin(), cos(), tan()],
sqrt(), divides, and multiplications. Blocks long enough for nominal
speed to be guaranteed to be reached ignored by planner. Done by
introducing two uint8_t flags per block. Reduced computational overhead
by an order of magnitude. - Arc motion generation completely
re-written and optimized. Now runs with acceleration planner. Removed
all but one trig function (atan2) from initialization. Streamlined
computations. Segment target locations generated by vector
transformation and small angle approximation. Arc path correction
implemented for accumulated error of approximation and single precision
calculation of Arduino. Bug fix in message passing.
Beta pre-processor script used to clean and streamline g-code for
streaming and converts G02/03 arcs into linear segments. Allows for full
acceleration support if the pre-processed g-code is then streamed to
grill, sans G02/03 arcs. Added a simple example streaming script for
Python users.