- Fixed a premature step end bug dating back to Simen's 0.7b edge
version is fixed, from which this code is forked from. Caused by Timer2
constantly overflowing calling the Step Reset Interrupt every 128usec.
Now Timer2 is always disabled after a step end and should free up some
cycles for the main program. Could be more than one way to fix this
problem. I'm open to suggestions.
- _delay_ms() refactored to accept only constants to comply with
current compilers. square() removed since not available with some
- Grbl now tracks both home and work (G92) coordinate systems and does
live updates when G92 is called.
- Rudimentary home and work position status reporting. Works but still
under major construction.
- Updated the main streaming script. Has a disabled periodic timer for
querying status reports, disabled only because the Python timer doesn't
consistently restart after the script exits. Add here only for user
- Fixed a bug to prevent an endless serial_write loop during status
- Refactored the planner variables to make it more clear what they are
and make it easier for clear them.
- Added machine position reporting to status queries. This will be
further developed with part positioning/offsets and maintaining
location upon reset.
- System variables refactored into a global struct for better
- Removed old obsolete Ruby streaming scripts. These were no longer
compatible. Updated Python streaming scripts.
- Fixed printFloat() and other printing functions.
- Decreased planner buffer back to 18 blocks and increased TX serial
buffer to 64 bytes. Need the memory space for future developments.
- Begun adding run-time modes to grbl, where block delete toggle, mm/in
reporting modes, jog modes, etc can be set during runtime. Will be
fleshed out and placed into EEPROM when everything is added.
- ALPHA status. - Multitasking ability with run-time command executions
for real-time control and feedback. - Decelerating feed hold and resume
during operation. - System abort/reset, which immediately kills all
movement and re-initializes grbl. - Re-structured grbl to easily allow
for new features: Status reporting, jogging, backlash compensation. (To
be completed in the following releases.) - Resized TX/RX serial buffers
(32/128 bytes) - Increased planner buffer size to 20 blocks. - Updated