improved the serial protocol, added some debug pins for a while

This commit is contained in:
Simen Svale Skogsrud 2010-03-02 08:19:21 +01:00
parent 551b4ed274
commit 36fd3a9bfb
4 changed files with 19 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ int main(void)
st_start(); // start the stepper subsystem
DDRD |= (1<<3)|(1<<4)|(1<<5);
sp_process(); // process the serial protocol

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@ -90,34 +90,44 @@ void mc_line(double x, double y, double z, float feed_rate, int invert_feed_rate
maximum_steps; // The larges absolute step-count of any axis
// Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PORTD |= (1<<4);
PORTD |= (1<<5);
target[X_AXIS] = round(x*X_STEPS_PER_MM);
target[Y_AXIS] = round(y*Y_STEPS_PER_MM);
target[Z_AXIS] = round(z*Z_STEPS_PER_MM);
PORTD ^= (1<<5);
// Determine direction and travel magnitude for each axis
for(axis = X_AXIS; axis <= Z_AXIS; axis++) {
step_count[axis] = labs(target[axis] - position[axis]);
direction[axis] = signof(target[axis] - position[axis]);
PORTD ^= (1<<5);
// Find the magnitude of the axis with the longest travel
maximum_steps = max(step_count[Z_AXIS],
max(step_count[X_AXIS], step_count[Y_AXIS]));
PORTD ^= (1<<5);
// Nothing to do?
if (maximum_steps == 0) { return; }
if (maximum_steps == 0) { PORTD &= ~(1<<4); PORTD |= (1<<5); return; }
PORTD ^= (1<<5);
// Set up a neat counter for each axis
for(axis = X_AXIS; axis <= Z_AXIS; axis++) {
counter[axis] = -maximum_steps/2;
PORTD ^= (1<<5);
// Set our direction pins
PORTD ^= (1<<5);
// Ask old Phytagoras to estimate how many mm our next move is going to take us
double millimeters_of_travel =
sqrt(square(X_STEPS_PER_MM*step_count[X_AXIS]) +
square(Y_STEPS_PER_MM*step_count[Y_AXIS]) +
PORTD ^= (1<<5);
// And set the step pace
compute_and_set_step_pace(feed_rate, millimeters_of_travel, maximum_steps, invert_feed_rate);
PORTD &= ~(1<<5);
PORTD &= ~(1<<4);
// Execution -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ void sp_process()
char c;
while((c = serialRead()) != -1)
if((c < 32)) { // Line is complete. Then execute!
if((c == '\n')) { // Line is complete. Then execute!
line[line_counter] = 0;
// printString("->");
// printString(line);
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ void sp_process()
line_counter = 0;
} else if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') { // Throw away whitepace
} else if (c <= ' ') { // Throw away whitepace and control characters
} else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { // Upcase lowercase
line[line_counter++] = c-'a'+'A';
} else {

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@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ void config_pace_timer(uint32_t microseconds);
if (step_buffer_head != step_buffer_tail) {
PORTD &= ~(1<<3);
uint8_t popped = step_buffer[step_buffer_tail];
if(popped == PACE_CHANGE_MARKER) {
// This is not a step-instruction, but a pace-change-marker: change pace
// move the step buffer tail to the next instruction
step_buffer_tail = (step_buffer_tail + 1) % STEP_BUFFER_SIZE;
} else {
PORTD |= (1<<3);