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The software runs on the ESP8266. The web app is stored in SPIFFS (on-board flash memory). I've forked [jasoncoon's esp8266 fastled webserver]( and added some extra functionality, made a proper config area and created custom patterns for the lamp.
Amazon Alexa support and Node-RED integration will follow soon.
**The software can be found on [GitHub](**
For beginners I would recommend watching this setup tutorial below.
## 1. Programming Environment
1. The code requires an installed version of **Arduino IDE 1.8.8** which can be downloaded [here]( ).
2. The ESP8266 boards need to be added to the Arduino IDE:
Click on *File >> Preferences* and paste the URL "" into the **Additional Boards Manager URLs** field.
3. Install the CH340/341 USB Driver
- Download and install the driver from e.g. [Arduined]( )
4. The Boards need be installed in the Arduino IDE
Click on *Tools >> Board >> Boards Manager* and install **esp8266, version 2.6.3**
5. The LED Library **FastLED** is also required
Click on *Sketch >> Include Library >> Manage Libraries* and install **FastLED, version 3.3.2**
6. Install the *ESP8266FS* **Sketch Data Upload Tool**:
> - Download the tool:
> - In your Arduino sketchbook directory, create `tools` directory if it doesn't exist yet
> - Unpack the tool into `tools` directory (the path will look like `/Arduino/tools/ESP8266FS/tool/esp8266fs.jar`)
> - Restart Arduino IDE
> // [source]( )
7. (Optional) Install *Espalexa* for Amazon Alexa Support
Click on *Sketch >> Include Library >> Manage Libraries* and install **Espalexa, version 2.4.4**
## 2. Software Configuration
1. Download the Project from the [Releases at Github]( ) and extract the archive
2. Open the **.ino** file inside the folder in the Arduino IDE
3. Create the **Secrets.h** file
*Top Right Corner >> New Tab >> "Secrets.h"*
4. Paste the following code and fill in your WiFi credentials
// AP mode password
const char WiFiAPPSK[] = "your-password";
// Wi-Fi network to connect to (if not in AP mode)
char* ssid = "your-ssid";
char* password = "your-password";
// MQTT user / password
const char* mqttUser = "your-mqtt-user";
const char* mqttPassword = "your-mqtt-password";
5. Configure the parameters
In the .ino file there are many parameters to change and tweak the essential settings are:
- `DATA_PIN`: The pin where the LED-Strip is connected (Note: If you are using another controller such as a clone or a NodeMCU board, you may need to configure the pin assignment for FastLED, See also [this entry in the FastLED Wiki](
- `LED_TYPE`: The type of LED strip that is used (WS2812B, WS2811, ...)
- `COLOR_ORDER`: Ordering of the colors sent, **depends on the LED-Strip**, if colors are swapped, then swap the Letters (RGB, RBG, GRB, GBR, BRG, BGR)
- `LEDS_PER_LINE`: Amount of LEDs inside **1x** slot of the core
- `SOUND_REACTIVE`: Uncomment to enable a sound reactive pattern when using a sound sensor
- `SENSOR_TYPE`: Model of the [Sensor]( used
- `ENABLE_ALEXA_SUPPORT`: Uncomment to disable the Amazon Alexa Support
6. (Optional) Configure Alexa
- Installation of the **Espalexa** library required
- The name of the device is set in the variable `ALEXA_DEVICE_NAME`
- Configuration of addition Devices
- In order to control more parameters, the code allows to create additional devices that control, i.e. a specific pattern or the autoplay functionality
- To make use of these features remove the `//` in front of the `#define ...`
7. (Optional) Configure MQTT
- Installation of "PubSubClient" and "ArduinoJson" libraries required
- It's preconfigured for Home Assistant Mosquitto MQTT service
- Enables sync with home assistant and from there to Google Assistant
## 3. Upload
1. Configure the upload settings in **Tools** menu, there are **3 essential settings**
- **Board: LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini**: when using the recommended Wemos D1 Mini
- **Flash Size: "4MB (FS:1MB OTA:~1019KB)"**
- **Port:** COMxx, if there are multiple ports, then replug your esp8266 to find the correct port. (**Hint:** COM1 is usually your PCs internal parallel port and not the esp8266)
2. Hit the **Upload** button to upload the code
3. **Upload the Sketch Data**
Click on *Tools >> ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload*
4. (Optional) Open the **Serial Monitor** to find the IP address of esp8266
- Click on *Tools >> Serial Monitor*
- When pressing the *Reset-Button* on the esp8266, the console should print the IP-Address
5. Connect to the UI by opening http://ip_address/ in your browser of choice, this works on mobile devices too
## 4. Alexa Configuration
The connect your esp8266, the "Pairing-Mode" mode must be activated to add it to your Smart-Home devices in the alexa app.
Open http://ip_of_the_esp8266/alexa in your browser, the window should tell you that it is ready to be discovered by your alexa device.
**Important**: The esp8266 and you Amazon Echo device **must** be in the same network.
Just say to your echo, "Alexa, discover devices". This phrase can be spoken out in English on any echo device independent of the device's language.
After around 30 seconds, Alexa should respond with the devices that were found. These should show up in the Alexa app.