- The newest Arduino IDE 1.6.12 has recently updated to avr-gcc v4.9.2.
Unfortunately, it produces a compiled size almost 0.7KB to 1KB larger
than prior versions! This can easily cause the base build to exceed the
Arduino Duemilanove/Nano flash limit of 30.5KB. The Arduino Uno seems
to be ok still with its 31.5KB flash limit.
- Makefile `-flto` compile flag added to cut down on the horrible flash
size when using the new avr-gcc. (Edit Makefile and remove comment on
COMPILE definition). This brings it in-line with what the IDE produces.
- Functionalized repetitive tasks in report.c to try to reduce overall
flash size. Successfully cut down about 160bytes.
- Removed printFloat_SettingValue() and printFloat_RPMValue()
functions. These aren’t required and can be replaced with a direct call
to printFloat() because they don’t require a unit conversion check.