
355 lines
13 KiB

stepper.c - stepper motor interface
Part of Grbl
Copyright (c) 2009 Simen Svale Skogsrud
Grbl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Grbl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Grbl. If not, see <>.
/* The timer calculations of this module informed by the 'RepRap cartesian firmware' by Zack Smith
and Philipp Tiefenbacher. The ring buffer implementation gleaned from the wiring_serial library
by David A. Mellis */
#include "stepper.h"
#include "config.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "nuts_bolts.h"
#include "acceleration.h"
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "wiring_serial.h"
// Pick a suitable line-buffer size
#ifdef __AVR_ATmega328P__
#define LINE_BUFFER_SIZE 40 // Atmega 328 has one full kilobyte of extra RAM!
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
struct Line {
uint32_t steps_x, steps_y, steps_z;
int32_t maximum_steps;
uint8_t direction_bits;
double average_millimeters_per_step_event;
uin32_t ideal_rate; // in step-events/minute
uin32_t exit_rate;
uin32_t brake_point; // the point where braking starts measured in step-events from end point
uint32_t rate; // in cpu-ticks pr. step
struct Line line_buffer[LINE_BUFFER_SIZE]; // A buffer for step instructions
volatile int line_buffer_head = 0;
volatile int line_buffer_tail = 0;
volatile int moving = FALSE;
// Variables used by SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A
uint8_t out_bits; // The next stepping-bits to be output
struct Line *current_line; // A pointer to the line currently being traced
volatile int32_t counter_x,
counter_y, counter_z; // counter variables for the bresenham line tracer
uint32_t iterations; // The number of iterations left to complete the current_line
volatile int busy; // TRUE when SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A is being serviced. Used to avoid retriggering that handler.
void set_step_events_per_minute(uint32_t steps_per_minute);
uint32_t mm_per_minute_to_step_events_pr_minute(struct Line* line, double mm_per_minute) {
void update_accelleration_plan() {
// Store the current
int initial_buffer_tail = line_buffer_tail;
// This record is used to buffer the setup for each linear movement
struct Block {
uint32_t steps_x, steps_y, steps_z; // Step count along each axis
double rate_x, rate_y, rate_z; // Nominal steps/minute for each axis
int32_t maximum_steps; // The largest stepcount of any axis for this block
uint8_t direction_bits; // The direction bit set for this block (refers to *_DIRECTION_BIT in config.h)
uint32_t rate; // The nominal step rate for this block in microseconds/step
struct Block block_buffer[BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE]; // A buffer for motion instructions
volatile int block_buffer_head = 0; // Index of the next block to be pushed
volatile int block_buffer_tail = 0; // Index of the block to process now
// Variables used by The Stepper Driver Interrupt
uint8_t out_bits; // The next stepping-bits to be output
struct Block *current_block; // A pointer to the block currently being traced
int32_t counter_x,
counter_z; // counter variables for the bresenham line tracer
uint32_t iterations; // The number of iterations left to complete the current_block
volatile int busy; // TRUE when SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A is being serviced. Used to avoid retriggering that handler.
// Variables used by the accelleration manager
float rate_multiplier; // The current rate multiplier. at 1.0 nominal rates equals actual rates
float rate_change_rate; // The amount the rate_multiplier changes each
uint32_t rate_ramp_iterations; // The accelleration iterations for which the current rate ramp is valid
void config_step_timer(uint32_t microseconds);
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
// Add a new linear movement to the buffer. steps_x, _y and _z is the signed, relative motion in
// steps. Microseconds specify how many microseconds the move should take to perform. To aid accelleration
// calculation the caller must also provide the physical length of the line in millimeters.
void st_buffer_line(int32_t steps_x, int32_t steps_y, int32_t steps_z, uint32_t microseconds, double millimeters) {
// Calculate the buffer head after we push this byte
int next_buffer_head = (line_buffer_head + 1) % LINE_BUFFER_SIZE;
// If the buffer is full: good! That means we are well ahead of the robot.
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
// Nap until there is room in the buffer.
while(line_buffer_tail == next_buffer_head) { sleep_mode(); }
// Setup line record
struct Line *line = &line_buffer[line_buffer_head];
line->steps_x = labs(steps_x);
line->steps_y = labs(steps_y);
line->steps_z = labs(steps_z);
line->maximum_steps = max(line->steps_x, max(line->steps_y, line->steps_z));
// Bail if this is a zero-length line
if (line->maximum_steps == 0) { return; };
line->rate = (TICKS_PER_MICROSECOND*microseconds)/line->maximum_steps;
// Rest here until there is room in the buffer.
while(block_buffer_tail == next_buffer_head) { sleep_mode(); }
// Prepare to set up new block
struct Block *block = &block_buffer[block_buffer_head];
// Number of steps for each axis
block->steps_x = labs(steps_x);
block->steps_y = labs(steps_y);
block->steps_z = labs(steps_z);
block->maximum_steps = max(block->steps_x, max(block->steps_y, block->steps_z));
// Bail if this is a zero-length block
if (block->maximum_steps == 0) { return; };
// Rate in steps/second for each axis
double rate_multiplier = 60.0*1000000.0/microseconds;
block->rate_x = round(block->steps_x*rate_multiplier);
block->rate_y = round(block->steps_y*rate_multiplier);
block->rate_z = round(block->steps_z*rate_multiplier);
block->rate = microseconds/block->maximum_steps;
// Compute direction bits for this block
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
uint8_t direction_bits = 0;
if (steps_x < 0) { direction_bits |= (1<<X_DIRECTION_BIT); }
if (steps_y < 0) { direction_bits |= (1<<Y_DIRECTION_BIT); }
if (steps_z < 0) { direction_bits |= (1<<Z_DIRECTION_BIT); }
line->direction_bits = direction_bits;
line->average_millimeters_per_step_event = millimeters/line->maximum_steps
// Move buffer head
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
line_buffer_head = next_buffer_head;
// enable stepper interrupt
TIMSK1 |= (1<<OCIE1A);
// This timer interrupt is executed at the rate set with config_step_timer. It pops one instruction from
// the line_buffer, executes it. Then it starts timer2 in order to reset the motor port after
// five microseconds.
block_buffer_head = next_buffer_head;
// Ensure that block processing is running by enabling The Stepper Driver Interrupt
// "The Stepper Driver Interrupt" - This timer interrupt is the workhorse of Grbl. It is executed at the rate set with
// config_step_timer. It pops blocks from the block_buffer and executes them by pulsing the stepper pins appropriately.
// It is supported by The Stepper Port Reset Interrupt which it uses to reset the stepper port after each pulse.
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
#ifdef TIMER1_COMPA_vect
if(busy){ return; } // The busy-flag is used to avoid reentering this interrupt
PORTD |= (1<<3);
// Set the direction pins a cuple of nanoseconds before we step the steppers
// Then pulse the stepping pins
// Reset step pulse reset timer so that The Stepper Port Reset Interrupt can reset the signal after
// exactly settings.pulse_microseconds microseconds.
TCNT2 = -(((settings.pulse_microseconds-2)*TICKS_PER_MICROSECOND)/8);
busy = TRUE;
sei(); // Re enable interrupts (normally disabled while inside an interrupt handler)
// We re-enable interrupts in order for SIG_OVERFLOW2 to be able to be triggered
// at exactly the right time even if we occasionally spend a lot of time inside this handler.
// If there is no current line, attempt to pop one from the buffer
if (current_line == NULL) {
PORTD &= ~(1<<4);
// Anything in the buffer?
if (line_buffer_head != line_buffer_tail) {
PORTD ^= (1<<5);
// Retrieve a new line and get ready to step it
current_line = &line_buffer[line_buffer_tail];
counter_x = -(current_line->maximum_steps >> 1);
counter_y = counter_x;
counter_z = counter_x;
iterations = current_line->maximum_steps;
moving = TRUE;
} else {
// disable this interrupt until there is something to handle
moving = FALSE;
TIMSK1 &= ~(1<<OCIE1A);
PORTD |= (1<<4);
if (current_line != NULL) {
out_bits = current_line->direction_bits;
counter_x += current_line->steps_x;
if (counter_x > 0) {
out_bits |= (1<<X_STEP_BIT);
counter_x -= current_line->maximum_steps;
counter_y += current_line->steps_y;
if (counter_y > 0) {
out_bits |= (1<<Y_STEP_BIT);
counter_y -= current_line->maximum_steps;
counter_z += current_line->steps_z;
if (counter_z > 0) {
out_bits |= (1<<Z_STEP_BIT);
counter_z -= current_line->maximum_steps;
// If current line is finished, reset pointer
iterations -= 1;
if (iterations <= 0) {
current_line = NULL;
// move the line buffer tail to the next instruction
line_buffer_tail = (line_buffer_tail + 1) % LINE_BUFFER_SIZE;
} else {
out_bits = 0;
out_bits ^= settings.invert_mask;
PORTD &= ~(1<<3);
// This interrupt is set up by SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A when it sets the motor port bits. It resets
// the motor port after a short period (settings.pulse_microseconds) completing one step cycle.
#ifdef TIMER2_OVF_vect
// reset stepping pins (leave the direction pins)
STEPPING_PORT = (STEPPING_PORT & ~STEP_MASK) | (settings.invert_mask & STEP_MASK);
// Initialize and start the stepper motor subsystem
void st_init()
// Configure directions of interface pins
STEPPING_PORT = (STEPPING_PORT & ~STEPPING_MASK) | settings.invert_mask;
// waveform generation = 0100 = CTC
TCCR1B &= ~(1<<WGM13);
TCCR1B |= (1<<WGM12);
TCCR1A &= ~(1<<WGM11);
TCCR1A &= ~(1<<WGM10);
// output mode = 00 (disconnected)
TCCR1A &= ~(3<<COM1A0);
TCCR1A &= ~(3<<COM1B0);
// Configure Timer 2
TCCR2A = 0; // Normal operation
TCCR2B = (1<<CS21); // Full speed, 1/8 prescaler
TIMSK2 |= (1<<TOIE2);
// Just set the step_timer to something serviceably lazy
// set enable pin
// Block until all buffered steps are executed
void st_synchronize()
while(line_buffer_tail != line_buffer_head) { sleep_mode(); }
// Cancel all buffered steps
void st_flush()
line_buffer_tail = line_buffer_head;
current_line = NULL;
// Configures the prescaler and ceiling of timer 1 to produce the given rate as accurately as possible.
void config_step_timer(uint32_t ticks)
uint16_t ceiling;
uint16_t prescaler;
if (ticks <= 0xffffL) {
ceiling = ticks;
prescaler = 0; // prescaler: 0
} else if (ticks <= 0x7ffffL) {
ceiling = ticks >> 3;
prescaler = 1; // prescaler: 8
} else if (ticks <= 0x3fffffL) {
ceiling = ticks >> 6;
prescaler = 2; // prescaler: 64
} else if (ticks <= 0xffffffL) {
ceiling = (ticks >> 8);
prescaler = 3; // prescaler: 256
} else if (ticks <= 0x3ffffffL) {
ceiling = (ticks >> 10);
prescaler = 4; // prescaler: 1024
} else {
// Okay, that was slower than we actually go. Just set the slowest speed
ceiling = 0xffff;
prescaler = 4;
// Set prescaler
TCCR1B = (TCCR1B & ~(0x07<<CS10)) | ((prescaler+1)<<CS10);
// Set ceiling
OCR1A = ceiling;
void set_step_events_per_minute(uint32_t steps_per_minute) {
void st_go_home()
// Todo: Perform the homing cycle