/* stepper.c - stepper motor interface Part of Grbl Copyright (c) 2009 Simen Svale Skogsrud Grbl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Grbl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Grbl. If not, see . */ /* The timer calculations of this module informed by the 'RepRap cartesian firmware' by Zack Smith and Philipp Tiefenbacher. The ring buffer implementation gleaned from the wiring_serial library by David A. Mellis */ #include "stepper.h" #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "nuts_bolts.h" #include "acceleration.h" #include #include "wiring_serial.h" // Pick a suitable block-buffer size #ifdef __AVR_ATmega328P__ #define BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE 40 // Atmega 328 has one full kilobyte of extra RAM! #else #define BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE 10 #endif void set_step_events_per_minute(uint32_t steps_per_minute); void update_acceleration_plan() { // Store the current int initial_buffer_tail = block_buffer_tail; } #define ENABLE_STEPPER_DRIVER_INTERRUPT() TIMSK1 |= (1< // // The trapezoid is the shape the speed curve over time. It starts at block->initial_rate, accelerates for // block->accelerate_ticks then stays up for block->plateau_ticks and decelerates for the rest of the block // until the trapezoid generator is reset for the next block. The slope of acceleration is always // +/- block->rate_delta. Any stage may be skipped by setting the duration to 0 ticks. #define TRAPEZOID_STAGE_ACCELERATING 0 #define TRAPEZOID_STAGE_PLATEAU 1 #define TRAPEZOID_STAGE_DECELERATING 2 uint8_t trapezoid_stage = TRAPEZOID_STAGE_IDLE; uint16_t trapezoid_stage_ticks; uint32_t trapezoid_rate; int16_t trapezoid_delta; // Call this when a new block is started inline void reset_trapezoid_generator() { trapezoid_stage = TRAPEZOID_STAGE_ACCELERATING; trapezoid_stage_ticks = current_block->accelerate_ticks; trapezoid_delta = current_block->rate_delta; trapezoid_rate = current_block->initial_rate; set_step_events_per_minute(trapezoid_rate); } // This is called ACCELERATION_TICKS_PER_SECOND times per second by the step_event // interrupt. It can be assumed that the trapezoid-generator-parameters and the // current_block stays untouched by outside handlers for the duration of this function call. inline void trapezoid_generator_tick() { // Is there a block currently in execution? if(!current_block) {return;} if (trapezoid_stage_ticks) { trapezoid_rate += trapezoid_delta; trapezoid_stage_ticks--; set_step_events_per_minute(trapezoid_rate); } else { // Stage complete, move on if(trapezoid_stage == TRAPEZOID_STAGE_ACCELERATING) { // Progress to plateau stage trapezoid_delta = 0; trapezoid_stage_ticks = current_block->plateau_ticks; trapezoid_stage = TRAPEZOID_STAGE_PLATEAU } elsif (trapezoid_stage == TRAPEZOID_STAGE_PLATEAU) { // Progress to deceleration stage trapezoid_delta = -current_block->rate_delta; trapezoid_stage_ticks = 0xffff; // "forever" until the block is complete trapezoid_stage = TRAPEZOID_STAGE_DECELERATING; } } } void config_step_timer(uint32_t microseconds); // Add a new linear movement to the buffer. steps_x, _y and _z is the signed, relative motion in // steps. Microseconds specify how many microseconds the move should take to perform. To aid acceleration // calculation the caller must also provide the physical length of the line in millimeters. void st_buffer_line(int32_t steps_x, int32_t steps_y, int32_t steps_z, uint32_t microseconds, double millimeters) { // Calculate the buffer head after we push this byte int next_buffer_head = (block_buffer_head + 1) % BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE; // If the buffer is full: good! That means we are well ahead of the robot. // Rest here until there is room in the buffer. while(block_buffer_tail == next_buffer_head) { sleep_mode(); } // Prepare to set up new block struct Block *block = &block_buffer[block_buffer_head]; // Number of steps for each axis block->steps_x = labs(steps_x); block->steps_y = labs(steps_y); block->steps_z = labs(steps_z); block->step_event_count = max(block->steps_x, max(block->steps_y, block->steps_z)); // block->travel_per_step = (1.0*millimeters)/block->step_event_count; // Bail if this is a zero-length block if (block->step_event_count == 0) { return; }; // Calculate speed in steps/second for each axis float multiplier = 60.0*1000000.0/microseconds; block->speed_x = block->steps_x*multiplier/settings.steps_per_mm[0]; block->speed_y = block->steps_y*multiplier/settings.steps_per_mm[1]; block->speed_z = block->steps_z*multiplier/settings.steps_per_mm[2]; block->nominal_rate = round(block->step_event_count*multiplier); // Compute direction bits for this block block->direction_bits = 0; if (steps_x < 0) { block->direction_bits |= (1<direction_bits |= (1<direction_bits |= (1<step_event_count >> 1); counter_y = counter_x; counter_z = counter_x; iterations = current_block->step_event_count; } else { DISABLE_STEPPER_DRIVER_INTERRUPT(); } } if (current_block != NULL) { out_bits = current_block->direction_bits; counter_x += current_block->steps_x; if (counter_x > 0) { out_bits |= (1<step_event_count; } counter_y += current_block->steps_y; if (counter_y > 0) { out_bits |= (1<step_event_count; } counter_z += current_block->steps_z; if (counter_z > 0) { out_bits |= (1<step_event_count; } // If current block is finished, reset pointer iterations -= 1; if (iterations <= 0) { current_block = NULL; // move the block buffer tail to the next instruction block_buffer_tail = (block_buffer_tail + 1) % BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE; } } else { out_bits = 0; } out_bits ^= settings.invert_mask; // In average this generates a trapezoid_generator_tick every CYCLES_PER_ACCELERATION_TICK by keeping track // of the number of elapsed cycles. The code assumes that step_events occur significantly more often than // trapezoid_generator_ticks as they well should. trapezoid_tick_cycle_counter += cycles_per_step_event; if(trapezoid_tick_cycle_counter > CYCLES_PER_ACCELERATION_TICK) { trapezoid_tick_cycle_counter -= CYCLES_PER_ACCELERATION_TICK; trapezoid_generator_tick(); } busy=FALSE; } // This interrupt is set up by SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A when it sets the motor port bits. It resets // the motor port after a short period (settings.pulse_microseconds) completing one step cycle. #ifdef TIMER2_OVF_vect SIGNAL(TIMER2_OVF_vect) #else SIGNAL(SIG_OVERFLOW2) #endif { // reset stepping pins (leave the direction pins) STEPPING_PORT = (STEPPING_PORT & ~STEP_MASK) | (settings.invert_mask & STEP_MASK); } // Initialize and start the stepper motor subsystem void st_init() { // Configure directions of interface pins STEPPING_DDR |= STEPPING_MASK; STEPPING_PORT = (STEPPING_PORT & ~STEPPING_MASK) | settings.invert_mask; LIMIT_DDR &= ~(LIMIT_MASK); STEPPERS_ENABLE_DDR |= 1<> 3; prescaler = 1; // prescaler: 8 actual_cycles = ceiling * 8; } else if (cycles <= 0x3fffffL) { ceiling = cycles >> 6; prescaler = 2; // prescaler: 64 actual_cycles = ceiling * 64; } else if (cycles <= 0xffffffL) { ceiling = (cycles >> 8); prescaler = 3; // prescaler: 256 actual_cycles = ceiling * 256; } else if (cycles <= 0x3ffffffL) { ceiling = (cycles >> 10); prescaler = 4; // prescaler: 1024 actual_cycles = ceiling * 1024; } else { // Okay, that was slower than we actually go. Just set the slowest speed ceiling = 0xffff; prescaler = 4; actual_cycles = 0xffff * 1024; } // Set prescaler TCCR1B = (TCCR1B & ~(0x07<