stepper.c - stepper motor driver: executes motion plans using stepper motors
Part of Grbl
Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Sungeun K. Jeon
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Simen Svale Skogsrud
Grbl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Grbl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Grbl. If not, see .
#include "stepper.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "planner.h"
#include "nuts_bolts.h"
// Some useful constants
#define DT_SEGMENT (1.0/(ACCELERATION_TICKS_PER_SECOND*60.0)) // min/segment
#define RAMP_ACCEL 0
#define RAMP_CRUISE 1
#define RAMP_DECEL 2
// Stores the planner block Bresenham algorithm execution data for the segments in the segment
// buffer. Normally, this buffer is partially in-use, but, for the worst case scenario, it will
// never exceed the number of accessible stepper buffer segments (SEGMENT_BUFFER_SIZE-1).
// NOTE: This data is copied from the prepped planner blocks so that the planner blocks may be
// discarded when entirely consumed and completed by the segment buffer.
typedef struct {
uint8_t direction_bits;
int32_t steps[N_AXIS];
int32_t step_event_count;
} st_block_t;
static st_block_t st_block_buffer[SEGMENT_BUFFER_SIZE-1];
// TODO: Directly adjust this parameters to stop motion of individual axes for the homing cycle.
// But this may require this to be volatile if it is controlled by an interrupt.
// Primary stepper segment ring buffer. Contains small, short line segments for the stepper
// algorithm to execute, which are "checked-out" incrementally from the first block in the
// planner buffer. Once "checked-out", the steps in the segments buffer cannot be modified by
// the planner, where the remaining planner block steps still can.
typedef struct {
uint8_t n_step; // Number of step events to be executed for this segment
uint8_t st_block_index; // Stepper block data index. Uses this information to execute this segment.
int32_t phase_dist; // Remaining step fraction to tick before completing segment.
int32_t dist_per_tick; // Step distance traveled per ISR tick, aka step rate.
} segment_t;
static segment_t segment_buffer[SEGMENT_BUFFER_SIZE];
// Stepper state variable. Contains running data and trapezoid variables.
typedef struct {
// Used by the bresenham line algorithm
int32_t counter_x, // Counter variables for the bresenham line tracer
// Used by inverse time algorithm to track step rate
int32_t counter_dist; // Inverse time distance traveled since last step event
// Used by the stepper driver interrupt
uint8_t execute_step; // Flags step execution for each interrupt.
uint8_t step_pulse_time; // Step pulse reset time after step rise
uint8_t out_bits; // The next stepping-bits to be output
uint8_t step_count; // Steps remaining in line segment motion
uint8_t exec_block_index; // Tracks the current st_block index. Change indicates new block.
st_block_t *exec_block; // Pointer to the block data for the segment being executed
segment_t *exec_segment; // Pointer to the segment being executed
} stepper_t;
static stepper_t st;
// Step segment ring buffer indices
static volatile uint8_t segment_buffer_tail;
static uint8_t segment_buffer_head;
static uint8_t segment_next_head;
// Used to avoid ISR nesting of the "Stepper Driver Interrupt". Should never occur though.
static volatile uint8_t busy;
// Pointers for the step segment being prepped from the planner buffer. Accessed only by the
// main program. Pointers may be planning segments or planner blocks ahead of what being executed.
static plan_block_t *pl_block; // Pointer to the planner block being prepped
static st_block_t *st_prep_block; // Pointer to the stepper block data being prepped
// Segment preparation data struct. Contains all the necessary information to compute new segments
// based on the current executing planner block.
typedef struct {
uint8_t st_block_index; // Index of stepper common data block being prepped
uint8_t partial_block_flag; // Flag indicating the planner has modified the prepped planner block
float step_per_mm; // Current planner block step/millimeter conversion scalar
float step_events_remaining; // Tracks step event count for the executing planner block
uint8_t ramp_type; // Current segment ramp state
float current_speed; // Current speed at the end of the segment buffer (mm/min)
float maximum_speed; // Maximum speed of executing block. Not always nominal speed. (mm/min)
float exit_speed; // Exit speed of executing block (mm/min)
float accelerate_until; // Acceleration ramp end measured from end of block (mm)
float decelerate_after; // Deceleration ramp start measured from end of block (mm)
} st_prep_t;
static st_prep_t prep;
/| |\ _________________ ^
/ | | \ /| |\ |
/ | | \ / | | \ s
/ | | | | | \ p
/ | | | | | \ e
+-----+------------------------+---+--+---------------+----+ e
| BLOCK 1 ^ BLOCK 2 | d
time -----> EXAMPLE: Block 2 entry speed is at max junction velocity
The planner block buffer is planned assuming constant acceleration velocity profiles and are
continuously joined at block junctions as shown above. However, the planner only actively computes
the block entry speeds for an optimal velocity plan, but does not compute the block internal
velocity profiles. These velocity profiles are computed ad-hoc as they are executed by the
stepper algorithm and consists of only 7 possible types of profiles: cruise-only, cruise-
deceleration, acceleration-cruise, acceleration-only, deceleration-only, full-trapezoid, and
triangle(no cruise).
maximum_speed (< nominal_speed) -> +
+--------+ <- maximum_speed (= nominal_speed) /|\
/ \ / | \
current_speed -> + \ / | + <- exit_speed
| + <- exit_speed / | |
+-------------+ current_speed -> +----+--+
time --> ^ ^ ^ ^
| | | |
decelerate_after(in mm) decelerate_after(in mm)
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | |
accelerate_until(in mm) accelerate_until(in mm)
The step segment buffer computes the executing block velocity profile and tracks the critical
parameters for the stepper algorithm to accurately trace the profile. These critical parameters
are shown and defined in the above illustration.
// Stepper state initialization. Cycle should only start if the st.cycle_start flag is
// enabled. Startup init and limits call this function but shouldn't start the cycle.
void st_wake_up()
// Enable steppers by resetting the stepper disable port
if (bit_istrue(settings.flags,BITFLAG_INVERT_ST_ENABLE)) {
// Enable stepper driver interrupt
TCNT2 = 0; // Clear Timer2
TIMSK2 |= (1<n_step;
// If the new segment starts a new planner block, initialize stepper variables and counters.
// NOTE: When the segment data index changes, this indicates a new planner block.
if ( st.exec_block_index != st.exec_segment->st_block_index ) {
st.exec_block_index = st.exec_segment->st_block_index;
st.exec_block = &st_block_buffer[st.exec_block_index];
// Initialize direction bits for block. Set execute flag to set directions bits upon next ISR tick.
st.out_bits = st.exec_block->direction_bits ^ settings.invert_mask;
st.execute_step = true;
// Initialize Bresenham line and distance counters
st.counter_x = (st.exec_block->step_event_count >> 1);
st.counter_y = st.counter_x;
st.counter_z = st.counter_x;
st.counter_dist = 0;
} else {
// Segment buffer empty. Shutdown.
bit_true(sys.execute,EXEC_CYCLE_STOP); // Flag main program for cycle end
return; // Nothing to do but exit.
// Iterate inverse time counter. Triggers each Bresenham step event.
st.counter_dist += st.exec_segment->dist_per_tick;
// Execute Bresenham step event, when it's time to do so.
if (st.counter_dist > INV_TIME_MULTIPLIER) {
if (st.step_count > 0) { // Block phase correction from executing step.
st.counter_dist -= INV_TIME_MULTIPLIER; // Reload inverse time counter
st.step_count--; // Decrement step events count
// Execute step displacement profile by Bresenham line algorithm
st.execute_step = true;
st.out_bits = st.exec_block->direction_bits; // Reset out_bits and reload direction bits
st.counter_x -= st.exec_block->steps[X_AXIS];
if (st.counter_x < 0) {
st.out_bits |= (1<step_event_count;
if (st.out_bits & (1<steps[Y_AXIS];
if (st.counter_y < 0) {
st.out_bits |= (1<step_event_count;
if (st.out_bits & (1<steps[Z_AXIS];
if (st.counter_z < 0) {
st.out_bits |= (1<step_event_count;
if (st.out_bits & (1< st.exec_segment->phase_dist) {
// Segment is complete. Discard current segment and advance segment indexing.
st.exec_segment = NULL;
if ( ++segment_buffer_tail == SEGMENT_BUFFER_SIZE) { segment_buffer_tail = 0; }
busy = false;
// SPINDLE_ENABLE_PORT ^= 1<step_events_remaining);
// st.ramp_type = RAMP_ACCEL;
// st.counter_ramp = ISR_TICKS_PER_ACCELERATION_TICK/2;
// st.ramp_rate = 0;
// sys.state = STATE_QUEUED;
// } else {
// sys.state = STATE_IDLE;
// }
sys.state = STATE_IDLE;
// Called by planner_recalculate() when the executing block is updated by the new plan.
void st_update_plan_block_parameters()
if (pl_block != NULL) { // Ignore if at start of a new block.
pl_block->entry_speed_sqr = prep.current_speed*prep.current_speed; // Update entry speed.
pl_block = NULL; // Flag st_prep_segment() to load new velocity profile.
prep.partial_block_flag = true; // Flag st_prep_segment() to indicate block continuation.
/* Prepares step segment buffer. Continuously called from main program.
The segment buffer is an intermediary buffer interface between the execution of steps
by the stepper algorithm and the velocity profiles generated by the planner. The stepper
algorithm only executes steps within the segment buffer and is filled by the main program
when steps are "checked-out" from the first block in the planner buffer. This keeps the
step execution and planning optimization processes atomic and protected from each other.
The number of steps "checked-out" from the planner buffer and the number of segments in
the segment buffer is sized and computed such that no operation in the main program takes
longer than the time it takes the stepper algorithm to empty it before refilling it.
Currently, the segment buffer conservatively holds roughly up to 40-50 msec of steps.
NOTE: The segment buffer executes a computed number of steps over a configured segment
execution time period, except at an end of a planner block where the segment execution
gets truncated by the lack of travel distance. Since steps are integer values and to keep
the distance traveled over the segment exact, a fractional step remaining after the last
executed step in a segment is handled by allowing the stepper algorithm distance counters
to tick to this fractional value without triggering a full step. So, when the next segment
is loaded for execution, its first full step will already have the distance counters primed
with the previous segment fractional step and will execute exactly on time according to
the planner block velocity profile. This ensures the step phasing between segments are kept
in sync and prevents artificially created accelerations between segments if they are not
accounted for. This allows the stepper algorithm to run at very high step rates without
losing steps.
TODO: With feedrate overrides, increases to the override value will not significantly
change the planner and stepper current operation. When the value increases, we simply
need to recompute the block plan with new nominal speeds and maximum junction velocities.
However with a decreasing feedrate override, this gets a little tricky. The current block
plan is optimal, so if we try to reduce the feed rates, it may be impossible to create
a feasible plan at its current operating speed and decelerate down to zero at the end of
the buffer. We first have to enforce a deceleration to meet and intersect with the reduced
feedrate override plan. For example, if the current block is cruising at a nominal rate
and the feedrate override is reduced, the new nominal rate will now be lower. The velocity
profile must first decelerate to the new nominal rate and then follow on the new plan.
Another issue is whether or not a feedrate override reduction causes a deceleration
that acts over several planner blocks. For example, say that the plan is already heavily
decelerating throughout it, reducing the feedrate override will not do much to it. So,
how do we determine when to resume the new plan? One solution is to tie into the feed hold
handling code to enforce a deceleration, but check when the current speed is less than or
equal to the block maximum speed and is in an acceleration or cruising ramp. At this
point, we know that we can recompute the block velocity profile to meet and continue onto
the new block plan.
void st_prep_buffer()
if (sys.state == STATE_QUEUED) { return; } // Block until a motion state is issued
while (segment_buffer_tail != segment_next_head) { // Check if we need to fill the buffer.
// Determine if we need to load a new planner block. If so, prepare step data.
if (pl_block == NULL) {
pl_block = plan_get_current_block(); // Query planner for a queued block
if (pl_block == NULL) { return; } // No planner blocks. Exit.
// SPINDLE_ENABLE_PORT ^= 1<steps[X_AXIS] = pl_block->steps[X_AXIS];
st_prep_block->steps[Y_AXIS] = pl_block->steps[Y_AXIS];
st_prep_block->steps[Z_AXIS] = pl_block->steps[Z_AXIS];
st_prep_block->direction_bits = pl_block->direction_bits;
st_prep_block->step_event_count = pl_block->step_event_count;
// Initialize planner block step count, unit distance data, and remainder tracker.
prep.step_per_mm = st_prep_block->step_event_count/pl_block->millimeters;
prep.step_events_remaining = st_prep_block->step_event_count;
// Compute velocity profile for a feed hold in-process.
// prep.current_speed = sqrt(pl_block->entry_speed_sqr); // !! For a new block, this needs to be updated.
// float inv_2_accel = 0.5/pl_block->acceleration;
// if (sys.state == STATE_HOLD) {
// prep.maximum_speed = prep.current_speed;
// prep.decelerate_after = pl_block->millimeters;
// prep.accelerate_until = pl_block->millimeters;
// prep.ramp_type = DECEL_RAMP; // or FEED_HOLD_RAMP?
// float decelerate_distance = inv_2_accel*pl_block->entry_speed_sqr;
// if (decelerate_distance > pl_block->millimeters) {
// // Keep decelerating through to the end of the block.
// // !! Need to update the next block's entry speed with current speed when loaded.
// prep.exit_speed = sqrt(pl_block->entry_speed_sqr - 2*pl_block->acceleration*pl_block->millimeters);
// } else {
// prep.exit_speed = 0.0;
// ***millimeters = decelerate_distance; // !! Need separate millimeters to track.
// // !! When target mm is reached, don't discard block until it really is at its end.
// // Return state to QUEUED and replan remaining buffer. That's about it.
// }
// } else {
// Compute the critical velocity profile parameters of the prepped planner block.
prep.current_speed = sqrt(pl_block->entry_speed_sqr);
prep.exit_speed = plan_get_exec_block_exit_speed();
prep.ramp_type = RAMP_ACCEL; // Initialize as acceleration ramp.
float exit_speed_sqr = prep.exit_speed*prep.exit_speed;
float inv_2_accel = 0.5/pl_block->acceleration;
float intersection_dist =
if (intersection_dist > 0.0) {
if (intersection_dist < pl_block->millimeters) { // Either trapezoid or triangle types
// NOTE: For acceleration-cruise trapezoid, following calculation will be 0.0.
prep.decelerate_after = inv_2_accel*(pl_block->nominal_speed_sqr-exit_speed_sqr);
if (prep.decelerate_after < intersection_dist) { // Trapezoid type
prep.maximum_speed = sqrt(pl_block->nominal_speed_sqr);
if (pl_block->entry_speed_sqr == pl_block->nominal_speed_sqr) {
// Cruise-deceleration or cruise-only type.
prep.ramp_type = RAMP_CRUISE;
prep.accelerate_until = pl_block->millimeters;
} else {
// Full-trapezoid or acceleration-cruise types
prep.accelerate_until =
} else { // Triangle type
prep.accelerate_until = intersection_dist;
prep.decelerate_after = intersection_dist;
prep.maximum_speed = sqrt(2.0*pl_block->acceleration*intersection_dist+exit_speed_sqr);
} else { // Deceleration-only type
prep.ramp_type = RAMP_DECEL;
prep.maximum_speed = prep.current_speed;
prep.accelerate_until = pl_block->millimeters;
prep.decelerate_after = pl_block->millimeters;
} else { // Acceleration-only type
prep.maximum_speed = prep.exit_speed;
prep.accelerate_until = 0.0;
prep.decelerate_after = 0.0;
// Initialize new segment
segment_t *prep_segment = &segment_buffer[segment_buffer_head];
// Set new segment to point to the current segment data block.
prep_segment->st_block_index = prep.st_block_index;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Compute the average velocity of this new segment by determining the total distance
traveled over the segment time DT_SEGMENT. The follow code first attempts to create
a full segment based on the current ramp conditions. If the segment time is incomplete
by terminating at a ramp state change, the code will continue to loop through the
progressing ramp states to fill the remaining segment execution time. However, if
an incomplete segment terminates at the end of the planner block, the segment is
considered completed despite having a truncated execution time less than DT_SEGMENT.
float dt = 0.0;
float mm_remaining = pl_block->millimeters;
float time_var = DT_SEGMENT; // Time worker variable
float mm_var; // mm distance worker variable
do {
switch (prep.ramp_type) {
// NOTE: Acceleration ramp always computes during first loop only.
mm_remaining -= DT_SEGMENT*(prep.current_speed + pl_block->acceleration*(0.5*DT_SEGMENT));
if (mm_remaining < prep.accelerate_until) { // End of acceleration ramp.
// Acceleration-cruise, acceleration-deceleration ramp junction, or end of block.
mm_remaining = prep.accelerate_until; // NOTE: 0.0 at EOB
time_var = 2.0*(pl_block->millimeters-mm_remaining)/(prep.current_speed+prep.maximum_speed);
if (mm_remaining == prep.decelerate_after) { prep.ramp_type = RAMP_DECEL; }
else { prep.ramp_type = RAMP_CRUISE; }
prep.current_speed = prep.maximum_speed;
} else { // Acceleration only.
prep.current_speed += pl_block->acceleration*time_var;
// NOTE: mm_var used to retain the last mm_remaining for incomplete segment time_var calculations.
mm_var = mm_remaining - prep.maximum_speed*time_var;
if (mm_var < prep.decelerate_after) { // End of cruise.
// Cruise-deceleration junction or end of block.
time_var = (mm_remaining - prep.decelerate_after)/prep.maximum_speed;
mm_remaining = prep.decelerate_after; // NOTE: 0.0 at EOB
prep.ramp_type = RAMP_DECEL;
} else { // Cruising only.
mm_remaining = mm_var;
default: // case RAMP_DECEL:
// NOTE: mm_var used to catch negative decelerate distance values near zero speed.
mm_var = time_var*(prep.current_speed - 0.5*pl_block->acceleration*time_var);
if ((mm_var > 0.0) && (mm_var < mm_remaining)) { // Deceleration only.
prep.current_speed -= pl_block->acceleration*time_var;
// Check for near-zero speed and prevent divide by zero in rare scenarios.
if (prep.current_speed > prep.exit_speed) { mm_remaining -= mm_var; }
else { mm_remaining = 0.0; } // NOTE: Force EOB for now. May change later.
} else { // End of block.
time_var = 2.0*mm_remaining/(prep.current_speed+prep.exit_speed);
mm_remaining = 0.0;
// prep.current_speed = prep.exit_speed;
dt += time_var; // Add computed ramp time to total segment time.
if (dt < DT_SEGMENT) { time_var = DT_SEGMENT - dt; } // **Incomplete** At ramp junction.
else { break; } // **Complete** Exit loop. Segment execution time maxed.
} while ( mm_remaining > 0.0 ); // **Complete** Exit loop. End of planner block.
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Compute segment step rate, steps to execute, and step phase correction parameters.
NOTE: Steps are computed by direct scalar conversion of the millimeter distance
remaining in the block, rather than incrementally tallying the steps executed per
segment. This helps in removing floating point round-off issues of several additions.
However, since floats have only 7.2 significant digits, long moves with extremely
high step counts can exceed the precision of floats, which can lead to lost steps.
Fortunately, this scenario is highly unlikely and unrealistic in CNC machines
supported by Grbl (i.e. exceeding 10 meters axis travel at 200 step/mm).
// Use time_var to pre-compute dt inversion with integer multiplier.
time_var = (INV_TIME_MULTIPLIER/(60.0*ISR_TICKS_PER_SECOND))/dt; // (mult/isr_tic)
if (mm_remaining > 0.0) {
float steps_remaining = prep.step_per_mm*mm_remaining;
prep_segment->dist_per_tick = ceil( (prep.step_events_remaining-steps_remaining)*time_var ); // (mult*step/isr_tic)
// Compute number of steps to execute and segment step phase correction.
prep_segment->phase_dist = ceil(INV_TIME_MULTIPLIER*(ceil(steps_remaining)-steps_remaining));
prep_segment->n_step = ceil(prep.step_events_remaining)-ceil(steps_remaining);
// Update step execution variables
pl_block->millimeters = mm_remaining;
prep.step_events_remaining = steps_remaining;
} else { // End of block.
// Set to execute the remaining steps and no phase correction upon finishing the block.
prep_segment->dist_per_tick = ceil( prep.step_events_remaining*time_var ); // (mult*step/isr_tic)
prep_segment->phase_dist = 0;
prep_segment->n_step = ceil(prep.step_events_remaining);
// The planner block is complete. All steps are set to be executed in the segment buffer.
// TODO: Ignore this for feed holds. Need to recalculate the planner buffer at this time.
pl_block = NULL;
// New step segment initialization completed. Increment segment buffer indices.
segment_buffer_head = segment_next_head;
if ( ++segment_next_head == SEGMENT_BUFFER_SIZE ) { segment_next_head = 0; }
// int32_t blength = segment_buffer_head - segment_buffer_tail;
// if (blength < 0) { blength += SEGMENT_BUFFER_SIZE; }
// printInteger(blength);