Grbl - An embedded rs274/ngc (g-code) interpreter, CNC controller, readout and exerciser for the AVR series of microcontrollers. Inspired by the Arduino GCode Interpreter by Mike Ellery Status: * Runs on atmega168/arduino. * GCode interpreter complete * Linear interpolation machine control complete * Arcs and helical interpolation complete * Buffered, non blocking, asynchronous stepping so the rest of the system is free to generate new steps and parse g-code while the steppers are still steppin' * Basic serial protocol complete * Stepper pulses verified on scope and tested with stepper motors, motion and rates verified with simulator, but not tested on real CNC-rig. Still waiting for my micRo kit from Pending: * Optional support for a alphanumeric LCD readout, a joystick and a few buttons for program control * Optional support for automated cutter length calibration when milling * Support "headless" fabrication by buffering all code to SD-card or similar * Smooth feed rate interpolation Limitations: * Limited GCode-support. Focus on the kind of GCode produced by CAM tools. Leave human GCoders frustrated. * No rotation axes, only x, y and z.