% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The MIT License (MIT) % % Copyright (c) 2014 Sungeun K. Jeon % % Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy % of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal % in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights % to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell % copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is % furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: % % The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in % all copies or substantial portions of the Software. % % THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR % IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, % FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE % AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER % LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, % OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN % THE SOFTWARE. % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This MATLAB script was written for the purpose of being a GRBL planner simulator. This % simulator is a rough representation of the actual workings of Grbl on the Arduino, but % was used to hone and proof the actual planner by providing quick visual feedback on its % functionality when experimented on. This script should be considered for educational % purposes only. This script requires and executes a pre-parsed g-code file from the % matlab_convert.py script that is in a specific non-g-code format. % There will be two figures plotted. The first is the line motion paths of the complete % g-code program. The second is a representation of Grbl's planner buffer as new line % motions are fed to it, plotting the velocity profiles the stepper motors will execute. % Every time the user inputs an <Enter>, this feeds the simulator planner one line motion % block. The left side is the first block in the buffer and the one that will be executed % by the stepper module first. The right side is the end of the planner buffer, where the % most recent streamed block is appended onto the planner buffer. Grbl's planner % optimizes the velocity profiles between the beginning and end of the buffer based on % the acceleration limits, intended velocity/feedrate, and line motion junction angles % with their corresponding velocity limits (i.e. junctions with acute angles needs to come % to a complete stop vs straight junctions can continue through at full speed.) % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Main function % NOTE: This is just a way to keep all functions in one place, but all non-global variables % are cleared as soon as this script completes. function main() % Load pre-parsed gcode moves. close all; warning off; clearvars -global fid = fopen('matlab.gcode','r'); gcode = textscan(fid,'%d8%f32%f32%f32%f32'); nblock = length(gcode{1}); % Plot all g-code moves. figure line(gcode{3},gcode{4},gcode{5}); axis equal; % axis([min(gcode{3}) max(gcode{3}) min(gcode{4}) max(gcode{4}) min(gcode{5}) max(gcode{5})]); title('G-code programming line motions'); view(3); % Set up figure for planner queue figure % Print help. disp('<NOTE: Press Enter to Advance One G-Code Line Motion>'); disp(' BLUE line indicates completed planner blocks that require no recalculation.'); disp(' RED line indicates planner blocks that have been recalculated.'); disp(' GREEN line indicates the location of the BPLANNED pointer. Always a recalculated block.'); disp(' BLACK dotted-line and ''x'' indicates block nominal speed and max junction velocity, respectively.'); disp(' CYAN ''.'' indicates block initial entry speed.'); % Define Grbl settings. BUFFER_SIZE = 18; % Number of planner blocks in its ring buffer. steps_per_mm = 200; seekrate = 2500; % mm/min acceleration = [100 100 100]; % mm/sec^2 [ X Y Z ] axes junction_deviation = 0.1; % mm. See Grbl documentation on this parameter. inch_2_mm = 25.4; ACCELERATION_TICKS_PER_SECOND = 100; gcode{2} = gcode{2}; gcode{2} = inch_2_mm*gcode{2}; gcode{3} = inch_2_mm*gcode{3}; gcode{4} = inch_2_mm*gcode{4}; gcode{5} = inch_2_mm*gcode{5}; % Initialize blocks block.steps = []; block.step_event_count = []; block.delta_mm = []; block.millimeters = []; block.acceleration = []; block.speed = []; block.nominal_speed = []; block.max_entry_speed = []; block.entry_speed = []; block.recalculate_flag = false; for i = 2:BUFFER_SIZE block(i) = block(1); end % Initialize planner position = [0 0 0]; prev_unit_vec = [0 0 0]; previous_nominal_speed = 0; pos = 0; % BHEAD and BTAIL act as pointers to the block head and tail. % BPLANNED acts as a pointer of the location of the end of a completed/optimized plan. bhead = 1; btail = 1; bplanned = 1; global block bhead btail bplanned nind acceleration BUFFER_SIZE pos ACCELERATION_TICKS_PER_SECOND % Main loop. Simulates plan_buffer_line(). All of the precalculations for the newest incoming % block occurs here. Anything independent of the planner changes. for i = 1:nblock target = round([gcode{3}(i) gcode{4}(i) gcode{5}(i)].*steps_per_mm); if gcode{1}(i) == 1 feedrate = gcode{2}(i); else feedrate = seekrate; end nind = next_block_index(bhead); if nind == btail % Simulate a constantly full buffer. Move buffer tail. bind = next_block_index(btail); % Push planned pointer if encountered. Prevents it from looping back around the ring buffer. if btail == bplanned; bplanned = bind; end btail = bind; end block(bhead).steps = abs(target-position); block(bhead).step_event_count = max(block(bhead).steps); % Bail if this is a zero-length block if block(bhead).step_event_count == 0 disp(['Zero-length block in line ',int2str(i)]); else % Compute path vector in terms of absolute step target and current positions delta_mm = single((target-position)./steps_per_mm); block(bhead).millimeters = single(norm(delta_mm)); inverse_millimeters = single(1/block(bhead).millimeters); % Compute path unit vector unit_vec = delta_mm/block(bhead).millimeters; % Calculate speed in mm/minute for each axis inverse_minute = single(feedrate * inverse_millimeters); block(bhead).speed = delta_mm*inverse_minute; block(bhead).nominal_speed = block(bhead).millimeters*inverse_minute; % Calculate block acceleration. Operates on absolute value of unit vector. [max_acc,ind] = max(abs(unit_vec)./acceleration); % Determine limiting acceleration block(bhead).acceleration = acceleration(ind)/abs(unit_vec(ind)); % Compute maximum junction speed block(bhead).max_entry_speed = 0.0; if previous_nominal_speed > 0.0 cos_theta = dot(-previous_unit_vec,unit_vec); if (cos_theta < 0.95) block(bhead).max_entry_speed = min([block(bhead).nominal_speed,previous_nominal_speed]); if (cos_theta > -0.95) sin_theta_d2 = sqrt(0.5*(1.0-cos_theta)); block(bhead).max_entry_speed = min([block(bhead).max_entry_speed,sqrt(block(bhead).acceleration*3600*junction_deviation*sin_theta_d2/(1.0-sin_theta_d2))]); end end end block(bhead).entry_speed = 0; % Just initialize. Set accurately in the replanning function. block(bhead).recalculate_flag = true; % Plotting flag to indicate this block has been updated. previous_unit_vec = unit_vec; previous_nominal_speed = block(bhead).nominal_speed; position = target; bhead = nind; % Block complete. Push buffer pointer. planner_recalculate(); plot_buffer_velocities(); end end return % Computes the next block index in the planner ring buffer function block_index = next_block_index(block_index) global BUFFER_SIZE block_index = block_index + 1; if block_index > BUFFER_SIZE block_index = 1; end return % Computes the previous block index in the planner ring buffer function block_index = prev_block_index(block_index) global BUFFER_SIZE block_index = block_index-1; if block_index < 1 block_index = BUFFER_SIZE; end return % Planner recalculate function. The magic happens here. function planner_recalculate(block) global block bhead btail bplanned acceleration bind = prev_block_index(bhead); if bind == bplanned; return; end % Bail, if only one block in buffer. Can't be operated on. % Reverse Pass: Coarsely maximize all possible deceleration curves back-planning from the last % block in buffer. Cease planning when the last optimal planned or tail pointer is reached. % NOTE: Forward pass will later refine and correct the reverse pass to create an optimal plan. next = []; curr = bind; % Last block in buffer. % Calculate maximum entry speed for last block in buffer, where the exit speed is always zero. block(curr).entry_speed = min([block(curr).max_entry_speed,sqrt(2*block(curr).acceleration*60*60*block(curr).millimeters)]); bind = prev_block_index(bind); % Btail or second to last block if (bind == bplanned) % Only two plannable blocks in buffer. Reverse pass complete. % Check if the first block is the tail. If so, notify stepper module to update its current parameters. % if bind == btail; update_tail_block; end else % Three or more plannable blocks in buffer. Loop it. while bind ~= bplanned % Loop until bplanned point hits. Replans to last plan point. next = curr; curr = bind; bind = prev_block_index( bind ); % Previous block pointer. % Check if the first block is the tail. If so, notify stepper module to update its current parameters. % if bind == btail; update_tail_block; end % Compute maximum entry speed decelerating over the current block from its exit speed. if block(curr).entry_speed ~= block(curr).max_entry_speed block(curr).recalculate_flag = true; % Plotting flag to indicate this block has been updated. block(curr).entry_speed = min([ block(curr).max_entry_speed,... sqrt(block(next).entry_speed^2 + 2*block(curr).acceleration*60*60*block(curr).millimeters)]); end end end % For two blocks, reverse pass is skipped, but forward pass plans second block entry speed % onward. This prevents the first, or the potentially executing block, from being over-written. % NOTE: Can never be bhead, since bsafe is always in active buffer. next = bplanned; bind = next_block_index(bplanned); % Start at bplanned while bind ~= bhead curr = next; next = bind; % An acceleration block is always an optimally planned block since it starts from the first % block's current speed or a maximum junction speed. Compute accelerations from this block % and update the next block's entry speed. if (block(curr).entry_speed < block(next).entry_speed) % Once speed is set by forward planner, the plan for this block is finished and optimal. % Increment the planner pointer forward one block. entry_speed = sqrt(block(curr).entry_speed^2 + 2*block(curr).acceleration*60*60*block(curr).millimeters); if (block(next).entry_speed > entry_speed) block(next).entry_speed = entry_speed; bplanned = bind; end end % Check if the next block entry speed is at max_entry_speed. If so, move the planned pointer, since % this entry speed cannot be improved anymore and all prior blocks have been completed and optimally planned. if block(next).entry_speed == block(next).max_entry_speed bplanned = bind; end % Recalculate trapezoid can be installed here, since it scans through all of the plannable blocks. % NOTE: Eventually this will only be computed when being executed. bind = next_block_index( bind ); end return % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PLOTTING FUNCTIONS % Plots the entire buffer plan into a MATLAB figure to visual the plan. % BLUE line indicates completed planner blocks that require no recalculation. % RED line indicates planner blocks that have been recalculated. % GREEN line indicates the location of the BPLANNED pointer. Always a recalculated block. % BLACK dotted-line and 'x' indicates block nominal speed and max junction velocity, respectively. % CYAN '.' indicates block initial entry speed. function plot_buffer_velocities() global block bhead btail bplanned acceleration pos ACCELERATION_TICKS_PER_SECOND bind = btail; curr = []; next = []; pos_initial = 0; pos = 0; while bind ~= bhead curr = next; next = bind; hold on; if ~isempty(curr) accel_d = estimate_acceleration_distance(block(curr).entry_speed, block(curr).nominal_speed, block(curr).acceleration*60*60); decel_d = estimate_acceleration_distance(block(curr).nominal_speed, block(next).entry_speed,-block(curr).acceleration*60*60); plateau_d = block(curr).millimeters-accel_d-decel_d; if plateau_d < 0 accel_d = intersection_distance(block(curr).entry_speed, block(next).entry_speed, block(curr).acceleration*60*60, block(curr).millimeters); if accel_d < 0 accel_d = 0; elseif accel_d > block(curr).millimeters accel_d = block(curr).millimeters; end plateau_d = 0; end color = 'b'; if (block(curr).recalculate_flag || block(next).recalculate_flag) block(curr).recalculate_flag = false; color = 'r'; end if bplanned == curr color = 'g'; end plot_trap(pos,block(curr).entry_speed,block(next).entry_speed,block(curr).nominal_speed,block(curr).acceleration,accel_d,plateau_d,block(curr).millimeters,color) plot([pos pos+block(curr).millimeters],block(curr).nominal_speed*[1 1],'k:') % BLACK dotted indicates plot(pos,block(curr).max_entry_speed,'kx') pos = pos + block(curr).millimeters; plot(pos,block(next).entry_speed,'c.'); end bind = next_block_index( bind ); end accel_d = estimate_acceleration_distance(block(next).entry_speed, block(next).nominal_speed, block(next).acceleration*60*60); decel_d = estimate_acceleration_distance(block(next).nominal_speed, 0, -block(next).acceleration*60*60); plateau_d = block(next).millimeters-accel_d-decel_d; if plateau_d < 0 accel_d = intersection_distance(block(next).entry_speed, 0, block(next).acceleration*60*60, block(next).millimeters); if accel_d < 0 accel_d = 0; elseif accel_d > block(next).millimeters accel_d = block(next).millimeters; end plateau_d = 0; end block(next).recalculate_flag = false; color = 'r'; if bplanned == next color= 'g'; end plot_trap(pos,block(next).entry_speed,0,block(next).nominal_speed,block(next).acceleration,accel_d,plateau_d,block(next).millimeters,color) plot([pos pos+block(next).millimeters],block(next).nominal_speed*[1 1],'k:') plot(pos,block(next).max_entry_speed,'kx') plot(pos,block(next).entry_speed,'.'); pos = pos + block(next).millimeters; plot(pos,0,'rx'); xlabel('mm'); ylabel('mm/sec'); xlim([pos_initial pos]) title('Planner buffer optimized velocity profile'); pause(); hold off; plot(pos,0) return function d_a = estimate_acceleration_distance(initial_rate, target_rate, acceleration,rate_delta) d_a = (target_rate*target_rate-initial_rate*initial_rate)/(2*acceleration); return function d_i = intersection_distance(initial_rate, final_rate, acceleration, distance, rate_delta) d_i = (2*acceleration*distance-initial_rate*initial_rate+final_rate*final_rate)/(4*acceleration); return % Simply plots the ac/de-celeration curves and plateaus of a trapezoid. function plot_trap(pos,initial_rate,final_rate,rate,accel,accel_d,plateau_d,millimeters,color) dx = 1.0; % Line segment length linex = [pos]; liney = [initial_rate]; % Acceleration np = floor(accel_d/dx); if np v = initial_rate; for i = 1:np v = sqrt(v^2+2*accel*60*60*dx); linex = [linex pos+i*dx]; liney = [liney v]; end end % Plateau v = sqrt(initial_rate^2 + 2*accel*60*60*accel_d); if v < rate rate = v; end linex = [linex pos+[accel_d accel_d+plateau_d]]; liney = [liney [rate rate]]; % Deceleration np = floor((millimeters-accel_d-plateau_d)/dx); if np v = rate; for i = 1:np v = sqrt(v^2-2*accel*60*60*dx); linex = [linex pos+i*dx+accel_d+plateau_d]; liney = [liney v]; end end linex = [linex pos+millimeters]; liney = [ liney final_rate]; plot(linex,liney,color); return