- Added a grbl planner simulation tool that was written in Matlab and
Python. It was used to visualize the inner workings of the planner as a
program is streamed to it. The simulation assumes that the planner
buffer is empty, then filled, and kept filled. This is mainly for users
to see how the planner works.
- Updated some of the compile-time ifdefs when enabling line numbers.
The leaving the un-used line numbers in the function calls eats a
non-neglible amount of flash memory. So the new if-defs remove them.
- ALPHA status. - Multitasking ability with run-time command executions
for real-time control and feedback. - Decelerating feed hold and resume
during operation. - System abort/reset, which immediately kills all
movement and re-initializes grbl. - Re-structured grbl to easily allow
for new features: Status reporting, jogging, backlash compensation. (To
be completed in the following releases.) - Resized TX/RX serial buffers
(32/128 bytes) - Increased planner buffer size to 20 blocks. - Updated