Comments, block delete characters, and blank lines are no longer passed
to the gcode parser and should free up some memory by ignoring these
characters. Gcode parser now expects clean gcode only. There was a bug
if there were block deletes or comments not in the first character (i.e.
spindle on/off for proofing geode without turning it on, or a NXX
followed by a comment). This should fix it by bypassing the problem.
Left a commented line for easily turning on and off block deletes for a
later feature, if desired.
Comments, block delete characters, and blank lines are no longer passed
to the gcode parser and should free up some memory by ignoring these
characters. Gcode parser now expects clean gcode only. There was a bug
if there were block deletes or comments not in the first character (i.e.
spindle on/off for proofing geode without turning it on, or a NXX
followed by a comment). This should fix it by bypassing the problem.
Left a commented line for easily turning on and off block deletes for a
later feature, if desired.