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limits.c - code pertaining to limit-switches and performing the homing cycle
Part of Grbl
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Simen Svale Skogsrud
Copyright (c) 2012 Sungeun K. Jeon
Grbl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Grbl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Grbl. If not, see <>.
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "stepper.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "nuts_bolts.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "spindle_control.h"
#include "motion_control.h"
#include "planner.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "limits.h"
#include "report.h"
void limits_init()
LIMIT_DDR &= ~(LIMIT_MASK); // Set as input pins
LIMIT_PORT |= (LIMIT_MASK); // Enable internal pull-up resistors. Normal high operation.
if (bit_istrue(settings.flags,BITFLAG_HARD_LIMIT_ENABLE)) {
LIMIT_PCMSK |= LIMIT_MASK; // Enable specific pins of the Pin Change Interrupt
PCICR |= (1 << LIMIT_INT); // Enable Pin Change Interrupt
// This is the Limit Pin Change Interrupt, which handles the hard limit feature.
// NOTE: Do not attach an e-stop to the limit pins, because this interrupt is disabled during
// homing cycles and will not respond correctly. Upon user request or need, there may be a
// special pinout for an e-stop, but it is generally recommended to just directly connect
// your e-stop switch to the Arduino reset pin, since it is the most correct way to do this.
// TODO: This interrupt may be used to manage the homing cycle directly with the main stepper
// interrupt without adding too much to it. All it would need is some way to stop one axis
// when its limit is triggered and continue the others. This may reduce some of the code, but
// would make Grbl a little harder to read and understand down road. Holding off on this until
// we move on to new hardware or flash space becomes an issue. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
// Only enter if the system alarm is not active.
if (bit_isfalse(sys.execute,EXEC_ALARM)) {
// Kill all processes upon hard limit event.
mc_alarm(); // Initiate system kill.
New startup script setting. New dry run, check gcode switches. New system state variable. Lots of reorganizing. (All v0.8 features installed. Still likely buggy, but now thourough testing will need to start to squash them all. As soon as we're done, this will be pushed to master and v0.9 development will be started. Please report ANY issues to us so we can get this rolled out ASAP.) - User startup script! A user can now save one (up to 5 as compile-time option) block of g-code in EEPROM memory. This will be run everytime Grbl resets. Mainly to be used as a way to set your preferences, like G21, G54, etc. - New dry run and check g-code switches. Dry run moves ALL motions at rapids rate ignoring spindle, coolant, and dwell commands. For rapid physical proofing of your code. The check g-code switch ignores all motion and provides the user a way to check if there are any errors in their program that Grbl may not like. - Program restart! (sort of). Program restart is typically an advanced feature that allows users to restart a program mid-stream. The check g-code switch can perform this feature by enabling the switch at the start of the program, and disabling it at the desired point with some minimal changes. - New system state variable. This state variable tracks all of the different state processes that Grbl performs, i.e. cycle start, feed hold, homing, etc. This is mainly for making managing of these task easier and more clear. - Position lost state variable. Only when homing is enabled, Grbl will refuse to move until homing is completed and position is known. This is mainly for safety. Otherwise, it will let users fend for themselves. - Moved the default settings defines into config.h. The plan is to eventually create a set of config.h's for particular as-built machines to help users from doing it themselves. - Moved around misc defines into .h files. And lots of other little things.
2012-11-03 18:32:23 +01:00
sys.state = STATE_LIMIT; // Set system state to indicate event.
// Moves all specified axes in same specified direction (positive=true, negative=false)
// and at the homing rate. Homing is a special motion case, where there is only an
// acceleration followed by abrupt asynchronous stops by each axes reaching their limit
// switch independently. Instead of shoehorning homing cycles into the main stepper
// algorithm and overcomplicate things, a stripped-down, lite version of the stepper
// algorithm is written here. This also lets users hack and tune this code freely for
// their own particular needs without affecting the rest of Grbl.
// NOTE: Only the abort runtime command can interrupt this process.
static void homing_cycle(bool x_axis, bool y_axis, bool z_axis, int8_t pos_dir,
bool invert_pin, float homing_rate)
// Determine governing axes with finest step resolution per distance for the Bresenham
// algorithm. This solves the issue when homing multiple axes that have different
// resolutions without exceeding system acceleration setting. It doesn't have to be
// perfect since homing locates machine zero, but should create for a more consistent
// and speedy homing routine.
// NOTE: For each axes enabled, the following calculations assume they physically move
// an equal distance over each time step until they hit a limit switch, aka dogleg.
uint32_t steps[3];
if (x_axis) { steps[X_AXIS] = lround(settings.steps_per_mm[X_AXIS]); }
if (y_axis) { steps[Y_AXIS] = lround(settings.steps_per_mm[Y_AXIS]); }
if (z_axis) { steps[Z_AXIS] = lround(settings.steps_per_mm[Z_AXIS]); }
uint32_t step_event_count = max(steps[X_AXIS], max(steps[Y_AXIS], steps[Z_AXIS]));
// To ensure global acceleration is not exceeded, reduce the governing axes nominal rate
// by adjusting the actual axes distance traveled per step. This is the same procedure
// used in the main planner to account for distance traveled when moving multiple axes.
// NOTE: When axis acceleration independence is installed, this will be updated to move
// all axes at their maximum acceleration and rate.
float ds = step_event_count/sqrt(x_axis+y_axis+z_axis);
// Compute the adjusted step rate change with each acceleration tick. (in step/min/acceleration_tick)
uint32_t delta_rate = ceil( ds*settings.acceleration/(60*ACCELERATION_TICKS_PER_SECOND));
// Nominal and initial time increment per step. Nominal should always be greater then 3
// usec, since they are based on the same parameters as the main stepper routine. Initial
// is based on the MINIMUM_STEPS_PER_MINUTE config. Since homing feed can be very slow,
// disable acceleration when rates are below MINIMUM_STEPS_PER_MINUTE.
uint32_t dt_min = lround(1000000*60/(ds*homing_rate)); // Cruising (usec/step)
uint32_t dt = 1000000*60/MINIMUM_STEPS_PER_MINUTE; // Initial (usec/step)
if (dt > dt_min) { dt = dt_min; } // Disable acceleration for very slow rates.
// Set default out_bits.
uint8_t out_bits0 = settings.invert_mask;
out_bits0 ^= (settings.homing_dir_mask & DIRECTION_MASK); // Apply homing direction settings
if (!pos_dir) { out_bits0 ^= DIRECTION_MASK; } // Invert bits, if negative dir.
// Initialize stepping variables
int32_t counter_x = -(step_event_count >> 1); // Bresenham counters
int32_t counter_y = counter_x;
int32_t counter_z = counter_x;
uint32_t step_delay = dt-settings.pulse_microseconds; // Step delay after pulse
uint32_t step_rate = 0; // Tracks step rate. Initialized from 0 rate. (in step/min)
uint32_t trap_counter = MICROSECONDS_PER_ACCELERATION_TICK/2; // Acceleration trapezoid counter
uint8_t out_bits;
uint8_t limit_state;
for(;;) {
// Reset out bits. Both direction and step pins appropriately inverted and set.
out_bits = out_bits0;
// Get limit pin state.
limit_state = LIMIT_PIN;
if (invert_pin) { limit_state ^= LIMIT_MASK; } // If leaving switch, invert to move.
// Set step pins by Bresenham line algorithm. If limit switch reached, disable and
// flag for completion.
if (x_axis) {
counter_x += steps[X_AXIS];
if (counter_x > 0) {
if (limit_state & (1<<X_LIMIT_BIT)) { out_bits ^= (1<<X_STEP_BIT); }
else { x_axis = false; }
counter_x -= step_event_count;
if (y_axis) {
counter_y += steps[Y_AXIS];
if (counter_y > 0) {
if (limit_state & (1<<Y_LIMIT_BIT)) { out_bits ^= (1<<Y_STEP_BIT); }
else { y_axis = false; }
counter_y -= step_event_count;
if (z_axis) {
counter_z += steps[Z_AXIS];
if (counter_z > 0) {
if (limit_state & (1<<Z_LIMIT_BIT)) { out_bits ^= (1<<Z_STEP_BIT); }
else { z_axis = false; }
counter_z -= step_event_count;
// Check if we are done or for system abort
if (!(x_axis || y_axis || z_axis) || sys.abort) { return; }
// Perform step.
STEPPING_PORT = out_bits0;
// Track and set the next step delay, if required. This routine uses another Bresenham
// line algorithm to follow the constant acceleration line in the velocity and time
// domain. This is a lite version of the same routine used in the main stepper program.
if (dt > dt_min) { // Unless cruising, check for time update.
trap_counter += dt; // Track time passed since last update.
step_rate += delta_rate; // Increment velocity
dt = (1000000*60)/step_rate; // Compute new time increment
if (dt < dt_min) {dt = dt_min;} // If target rate reached, cruise.
step_delay = dt-settings.pulse_microseconds;
void limits_go_home()
// Enable only the steppers, not the cycle. Cycle should be complete.
2012-10-11 08:06:52 +02:00
// Jog all axes toward home to engage their limit switches at faster homing seek rate.
homing_cycle(false, false, true, true, false, settings.homing_seek_rate); // First jog the z axis
homing_cycle(true, true, false, true, false, settings.homing_seek_rate); // Then jog the x and y axis
delay_ms(settings.homing_debounce_delay); // Delay to debounce signal
// Now in proximity of all limits. Carefully leave and approach switches in multiple cycles
// to precisely hone in on the machine zero location. Moves at slower homing feed rate.
int8_t n_cycle = N_HOMING_CYCLE;
while (n_cycle--) {
// Leave all switches to release them. After cycles complete, this is machine zero.
homing_cycle(true, true, true, false, true, settings.homing_feed_rate);
if (n_cycle > 0) {
// Re-approach all switches to re-engage them.
homing_cycle(true, true, true, true, false, settings.homing_feed_rate);
2012-10-11 08:06:52 +02:00
st_go_idle(); // Call main stepper shutdown routine.