// used when hosting the site on the ESP8266 var address = location.hostname; var urlBase = ""; // used when hosting the site somewhere other than the ESP8266 (handy for testing without waiting forever to upload to SPIFFS) // var address = ""; // var urlBase = "http://" + address + "/"; var postColorTimer = {}; var postValueTimer = {}; var ignoreColorChange = false; var patterns = [ "Pride", "Color Waves", "X Gradient Palette", "Y Gradient Palette", "Z Gradient Palette", "XY Gradient Palette", "XZ Gradient Palette", "YZ Gradient Palette", "XYZ Gradient Palette", "Fire Noise", "Fire Noise 2", "Lava Noise", "Rainbow Noise", "Rainbow Stripe Noise", "Party Noise", "Forest Noise", "Cloud Noise", "Ocean Noise", "Black & White Noise", "Black & Blue Noise", "Rainbow Twinkles", "Snow Twinkles", "Cloud Twinkles", "Incandescent Twinkles", "Retro C9 Twinkles", "Red & White Twinkles", "Blue & White Twinkles", "Red, Green & White Twinkles", "Fairy Light Twinkles", "Snow 2 Twinkles", "Holly Twinkles", "Ice Twinkles", "Party Twinkles", "Forest Twinkles", "Lava Twinkles", "Fire Twinkles", "Cloud 2 Twinkles", "Ocean Twinkles", "Solid Rainbow", "Confetti", "Sinelon", "Beat", "Juggle", ]; var ws = new ReconnectingWebSocket('ws://' + address + ':81/', ['arduino']); ws.debug = true; ws.onmessage = function(evt) { if(evt.data != null) { var data = JSON.parse(evt.data); if(data == null) return; switch(data.name) { case "power": if(data.value == 1) { $("#btnOn").attr("class", "btn btn-primary"); $("#btnOff").attr("class", "btn btn-default"); } else { $("#btnOff").attr("class", "btn btn-primary"); $("#btnOn").attr("class", "btn btn-default"); } break; case "pattern": $(".grid-item-pattern").attr("class", "grid-item-pattern btn btn-default"); $("#pattern-button-" + data.value).attr("class", "grid-item-pattern btn btn-primary"); break; } } } $(document).ready(function() { $("#status").html("Connecting, please wait..."); $.get(urlBase + "all", function(data) { $("#status").html("Loading, please wait..."); $.each(data, function(index, field) { switch (field.name) { case "power": if(field.value == 1) { $("#btnOn").attr("class", "btn btn-primary"); } else { $("#btnOff").attr("class", "btn btn-primary"); } break; case "pattern": addPatternButtons(field); break; } }); }); addColorButtons(); $("#btnOn").click(function() { postValue("power", 1); $("#btnOn").attr("class", "btn btn-primary"); $("#btnOff").attr("class", "btn btn-default"); }); $("#btnOff").click(function() { postValue("power", 0); $("#btnOff").attr("class", "btn btn-primary"); $("#btnOn").attr("class", "btn btn-default"); }); $("#status").html("Ready"); }); function addColorButtons() { var hues = 30; var hueStep = 360 / hues; var levels = 25; var levelStep = 50 / levels; for(var l = 50; l < 95; l += levelStep) { for(var h = 0; h < hues; h++) { addColorButton(h * hueStep, 100, l); } } $('.grid-color').isotope({ itemSelector: '.grid-item-color', layoutMode: 'fitRows' }); $('.grid-color-buttons').isotope({ itemSelector: '.grid-item-color-button', layoutMode: 'fitRows' }); $('.grid-item-color-button').click(colorButtonClick); } var colorButtonIndex = 0; function colorButtonClick() { var rgb = $(this).css('backgroundColor'); var components = rgbToComponents(rgb); $(".grid-item-color").css("border", "none"); if($(this).attr("class") === "grid-item-color") { $(this).css("border", "1px solid"); } postColor("solidColor", components); } function addColorButton(h, s, l) { var color = "hsl(" + h + ", " + s + "%, " + l + "%)" var template = $("#colorButtonTemplate").clone(); template.css("background-color", color); template.attr("title", template.css("background-color") + "\r\n" + color); template.click(colorButtonClick); $("#colorButtonsRow").append(template); } function addPatternButtons(patternField) { $.each(patternField.options, function(index, pattern) { if($.inArray(pattern, patterns) == -1) return; var template = $("#patternButtonTemplate").clone(); template.attr("id", "pattern-button-" + index); template.text(pattern); template.click(function() { postValue("patternName", pattern); $(".grid-item-color").css("border", "none"); $(".grid-item-pattern").attr("class", "grid-item-pattern btn btn-default"); $(this).attr("class", "grid-item-pattern btn btn-primary"); }); $("#patternGrid").append(template); }); $('.grid-pattern').isotope({ itemSelector: '.grid-item-pattern', layoutMode: 'fitRows' }); $("#pattern-button-" + patternField.value).attr("class", "grid-item-pattern btn btn-primary"); } function postValue(name, value) { $("#status").html("Setting " + name + ": " + value + ", please wait..."); var body = { name: name, value: value }; $.post(urlBase + name, body, function(data) { if (data.name != null) { $("#status").html("Set " + name + ": " + data.name); } else { $("#status").html("Set " + name + ": " + data); } }); } function delayPostValue(name, value) { clearTimeout(postValueTimer); postValueTimer = setTimeout(function() { postValue(name, value); }, 300); } function postColor(name, value) { $("#status").html("Setting " + name + ": " + value.r + "," + value.g + "," + value.b + ", please wait..."); var body = { name: name, r: value.r, g: value.g, b: value.b }; $.post(urlBase + name + "?r=" + value.r + "&g=" + value.g + "&b=" + value.b, body, function(data) { $("#status").html("Set " + name + ": " + data); }) .fail(function(textStatus, errorThrown) { $("#status").html("Fail: " + textStatus + " " + errorThrown); }); } function delayPostColor(name, value) { clearTimeout(postColorTimer); postColorTimer = setTimeout(function() { postColor(name, value); }, 300); } function componentToHex(c) { var hex = c.toString(16); return hex.length == 1 ? "0" + hex : hex; } function rgbToHex(r, g, b) { return "#" + componentToHex(r) + componentToHex(g) + componentToHex(b); } function rgbToComponents(rgb) { var components = {}; rgb = rgb.match(/^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/); components.r = parseInt(rgb[1]); components.g = parseInt(rgb[2]); components.b = parseInt(rgb[3]); return components; }