/* * Author: ntoff * License: AGPLv3 */ $(function() { function FanSliderPluginViewModel(parameters) { //'use strict'; var self = this; self.settings = parameters[0]; self.control = parameters[1]; self.loginState = parameters[2]; //fanSpeed = ko.observable("0"); self.control.fanSpeed = new ko.observable("100"); self.control.minFanSpeed = new ko.observable("000"); self.control.maxFanSpeed = new ko.observable("100"); self.control.notifyDelay = new ko.observable("3000"); //time in milliseconds self.showNotify = function(self,options) { options.hide = true; options.title = "Fan Speed Control"; options.delay = self.control.notifyDelay(); options.type = "info"; if (options.delay != "0") { new PNotify(options); } }; //send gcode to set fan speed TODO: not be a global function sendFanSpeed = ko.pureComputed(function () { self.speed = self.control.fanSpeed() * 255 / 100 //don't forget to limit this to 2 decimal places at some point. if (self.control.fanSpeed() < self.control.minFanSpeed() && self.control.fanSpeed() != "0") { console.log("Fan Speed Control Plugin: " + self.control.fanSpeed() + "% is less than the minimum speed set in the fan control settings, increasing to " + self.control.minFanSpeed() + "%"); self.control.fanSpeed(self.control.minFanSpeed()); var options = { text: 'Fan speed increased to meet minimum requirement.', } self.showNotify(self,options); } else { if (self.control.fanSpeed() > self.control.maxFanSpeed()) { console.log("Fan Speed Control Plugin: " + self.control.fanSpeed() + "% is more than the maximum speed set in the fan control settings, decreasing to " + self.control.maxFanSpeed() + "%"); self.control.fanSpeed(self.control.maxFanSpeed()); var options = { text: 'Fan speed decreased to meet maximum requirement.', } self.showNotify(self,options); } } self.control.sendCustomCommand({ command: "M106 S" + self.speed }); }); //ph34r try { //If not TouchUI then remove standard buttons + add slider + new buttons if ($("#touch body").length ==0 ) { $("#control-jog-general").find("button").eq(0).attr("id", "motors-off"); $("#control-jog-general").find("button").eq(1).attr("id", "fan-on"); $("#control-jog-general").find("button").eq(2).attr("id", "fan-off"); //remove original fan on/off buttons $("#fan-on").remove(); $("#fan-off").remove(); //add new fan controls $("#control-jog-general").find("button").eq(0).before("\ \ \ \ "); } else { /* if TouchUI is active we only add the speed input + fan on button in a new section. * perhaps some day I'll see about messing directly with touchui's fan on button */ console.log("Fan Speed Slider: NOTICE! TouchUI is active, adding simplified control."); $("#control-jog-extrusion").after("\