/* * Author: ntoff * License: AGPLv3 */ $(function() { function EstopViewModel(parameters) { var self = this; self.loginState = parameters[0]; self.printerState = parameters[1]; self.settings = parameters[2]; self.estopCommand = ko.observable("M112"); self.estopReconnect = ko.observable(false); self.enableEstop = ko.pureComputed(function() { return self.printerState.isOperational() && self.loginState.isUser(); }); self.estopState = ko.pureComputed(function() { return self.loginState.isUser() > 0 ? "estop_sidebar" : "estop_sidebar_disabled"; }); self.buttonText = ko.pureComputed(function() { if (self.enableEstop()) { return gettext("EMERGENCY STOP"); } else { return gettext("Offline"); } }); self.buttonTitle = ko.pureComputed(function() { self.estopCommand(self.settings.settings.plugins.estop.estopCommand()); return gettext("Sends " + self.estopCommand() + " to the printer IMMEDIATELY"); }); self.onBeforeBinding = function () { self.updateSettingsValues(); } self.onSettingsHidden = function () { self.updateSettingsValues(); } self.updateSettingsValues = function () { //lazy way of making sure we have the latest version of the settings self.estopCommand(self.settings.settings.plugins.estop.estopCommand()); self.estopReconnect(self.settings.settings.plugins.estop.estopReconnect()); } self.sendEstopCommand = function () { if (self.enableEstop()) { self.estopCommand(self.settings.settings.plugins.estop.estopCommand()); OctoPrint.control.sendGcode(self.estopCommand()); if (self.estopReconnect()) { //cycle the connection (if enabled) to reset the control board OctoPrint.connection.disconnect(); //send a disconnect, maybe useful for breaking out of blocking commands. self.onEventDisconnected = function () { //wait until octoprint has disconnected self.onEventDisconnected = null; //unregister event handler OctoPrint.connection.connect(); //reconnect } } }; }; } OCTOPRINT_VIEWMODELS.push({ construct: EstopViewModel, dependencies: [ "loginStateViewModel", "printerStateViewModel", "settingsViewModel"], elements: ["#sidebar_plugin_estop_wrapper"] }); });