<?php /* * PHP Frontend for pocsag monitor * * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 * Manuel Weiser (manuelw@fire-devils.org) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ // Done in Haupttabelle updaten $result_check_ins = mysqli_query($dbconn, "UPDATE dme SET zeit='$row[zeit]', done='1' WHERE num='$row[num]'") or die (mysqli_error($dbconn)); if( trim($row["funktion"]) != 'Klartext' && trim($row["funktion"]) != 'Info' && $amenable == 1 ) { $result_alarm_mail = mysqli_query($dbconn, "SELECT a.userid, a.time_from, a.time_to, a.stiwo, b.id, b.a_mail, b.a_alarmmail, b.a_alarmmail2sms, b.amail_count, b.ft_allow FROM alarm2mail a LEFT JOIN admin_users b ON b.id = a.userid WHERE adresse=".$row["adresse_neu"]) or die(mysqli_error($dbconn)); while( $row_alarm_mail = mysqli_fetch_array($result_alarm_mail) ) { // Alarmmail Counter $amail_count = $row_alarm_mail["amail_count"]+1; // schauen ob f�r Alarm extra Mailadresse if( $row_alarm_mail["a_alarmmail"] ) $row_alarm_mail["a_mail"] = $row_alarm_mail["a_alarmmail"]; // schauen ob Alarm im Zeitfenster liegt if( $row_alarm_mail["time_from"] > $row_alarm_mail["time_to"] ) $row_alarm_mail["time_to"] = 24+$row_alarm_mail["time_to"]; // Stichwort checken if( empty($row_alarm_mail["stiwo"]) ) { $stiwo_check = 'hit'; } else { $stiwo_check = check_stiwo($row_alarm_mail["stiwo"], $row["text"]); } // Meldung im EMailformat senden if( $stiwo_check == 'hit' && $row_alarm_mail["a_alarmmail2sms"] == '0' && ( $row_alarm_mail["time_from"] == $row_alarm_mail["time_to"] || ($row_alarm_mail["time_from"] <= get_hour( get_time($row["zeit"]) ) && $row_alarm_mail["time_to"] > get_hour( get_time($row["zeit"]) ) ) ) ) { // Mail normal senden if ( $row_alarm_mail["ft_allow"] == 1 ) { // Wenn FullText erlaubt mail_alarm(get_date_long($row["zeit"]), get_time($row["zeit"]), $row_alarm_mail["a_mail"],$row["org"],$row["org_name"],$row["bezeichnung"],$row["text"]); } else { // Wenn FullText erlaubt mail_alarm(get_date_long($row["zeit"]), get_time($row["zeit"]), $row_alarm_mail["a_mail"],$row["org"],$row["org_name"],$row["bezeichnung"],"Einsatzalarm"); } // Mailcounter $result_counter = mysqli_query($dbconn, "UPDATE admin_users SET amail_count='$amail_count' WHERE id='$row_alarm_mail[id]'"); } // Meldung im SMSformat senden if( $stiwo_check == 'hit' && $row_alarm_mail["a_alarmmail2sms"] == '1' && ( $row_alarm_mail["time_from"] == $row_alarm_mail["time_to"] || ($row_alarm_mail["time_from"] <= get_hour( get_time($row["zeit"]) ) && $row_alarm_mail["time_to"] > get_hour( get_time($row["zeit"]) ) ) ) ) { // Mail im SMS Format senden if ( $row_alarm_mail["ft_allow"] == 1 ) { // Wenn FullText erlaubt mail_alarm_sms(get_date_long($row["zeit"]), get_time($row["zeit"]), $row_alarm_mail["a_mail"],$row["org"],$row["org_name"],utf8_decode($row["text"])); } else { // Wenn kein FullText erlaubt mail_alarm_sms(get_date_long($row["zeit"]), get_time($row["zeit"]), $row_alarm_mail["a_mail"],$row["org"],$row["org_name"],"Einsatzalarm"); } // Mailcounter $result_counter = mysqli_query($dbconn, "UPDATE admin_users SET amail_count='$amail_count' WHERE id='$row_alarm_mail[id]'"); } } } // Einsatzcounter updaten if( ($row["zeit"] - $row["last_alarm"]) > 1000 ) { $alarmcount = $row["alarm_count"] + 1; $result_check_ins = mysqli_query($dbconn, "UPDATE organisation SET alarm_count='$alarmcount', last_alarm='$row[zeit]' WHERE id='$row[org_id]'") or die (mysqli_error($dbconn)); } ?>