2018-08-04 10:53:24 +02:00
< ? php
* PHP Frontend for pocsag monitor
* Copyright ( C ) 2004 - 2005
* Manuel Weiser ( manuelw @ fire - devils . org )
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 675 Mass Ave , Cambridge , MA 0213 9 , USA .
require ( 'config.inc.php' );
2018-10-01 12:12:24 +02:00
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ " search_what " ])) $_REQUEST [ " search_what " ] = " " ;
if ( ! isset ( $search_word )) $search_word = " " ;
if ( ! isset ( $search_word_org )) $search_word_org = " " ;
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ " search_org " ])) $_REQUEST [ " search_org " ] = " " ;
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ " search_ric " ])) $_REQUEST [ " search_ric " ] = " " ;
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ " search_max_results " ])) $_REQUEST [ " search_max_results " ] = " " ;
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ " search_time " ])) $_REQUEST [ " search_time " ] = " " ;
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ " search_time_from " ])) $_REQUEST [ " search_time_from " ] = " " ;
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ " search_time_to " ])) $_REQUEST [ " search_time_to " ] = " " ;
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ " Submit " ])) $_REQUEST [ " Submit " ] = " " ;
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ " select_tag_from " ])) $_REQUEST [ " select_tag_from " ] = " " ;
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ " select_monat_from " ])) $_REQUEST [ " select_monat_from " ] = " " ;
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ " select_tag_to " ])) $_REQUEST [ " select_tag_to " ] = " " ;
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ " select_monat_to " ])) $_REQUEST [ " select_monat_to " ] = " " ;
if ( ! isset ( $show )) $show = " " ;
2018-08-04 10:53:24 +02:00
// Seite zusammenstellen
// Selects
$select_search_what1 = '<input name="search_what" type="radio" value="word"' ; if ( $_REQUEST [ " search_what " ] == 'word' || ! $_REQUEST [ " search_what " ]) { $select_search_what1 .= ' checked' ;} else { $select_search_what1 .= '' ;} $select_search_what1 .= '>' ;
$select_search_what2 = '<input name="search_what" type="radio" value="ric"' ; if ( $_REQUEST [ " search_what " ] == 'ric' ) { $select_search_what2 .= ' checked' ;} else { $select_search_what2 .= '' ;} $select_search_what2 .= '>' ;
$select_search_org = '
< select name = " search_org " id = " search_org " >
< option value = " 0 " '; if($_REQUEST["search_org"]==' 0 ') {$select_search_org.=' selected ';}else{$select_search_org.=' ';} $select_search_org.=' > Alles </ option >
< option value = " FF " '; if($_REQUEST["search_org"]==' FF ') {$select_search_org.=' selected ';}else{$select_search_org.=' ';} $select_search_org.=' > FF </ option >
< option value = " BF " '; if($_REQUEST["search_org"]==' BF ') {$select_search_org.=' selected ';}else{$select_search_org.=' ';} $select_search_org.=' > BF </ option >
< option value = " RD " '; if($_REQUEST["search_org"]==' RD ') {$select_search_org.=' selected ';}else{$select_search_org.=' ';} $select_search_org.=' > RD </ option >
< option value = " THW " '; if($_REQUEST["search_org"]==' THW ') {$select_search_org.=' selected ';}else{$select_search_org.=' ';} $select_search_org.=' > THW </ option >
< option value = " KBM " '; if($_REQUEST["search_org"]==' KBM ') {$select_search_org.=' selected ';}else{$select_search_org.=' ';} $select_search_org.=' > KBM </ option >
< option value = " RLS " '; if($_REQUEST["search_org"]==' RLS ') {$select_search_org.=' selected ';}else{$select_search_org.=' ';} $select_search_org.=' > RLS </ option >
</ select >
' ;
$select_search_ric = '
< select name = " search_ric " id = " search_ric " > ' ;
2018-10-01 12:12:24 +02:00
$result = mysqli_query ( $dbconn , " SELECT id, org_name, org FROM organisation WHERE org != '' ORDER BY org ASC, org_name ASC " ) or die ( mysqli_error ( $dbconn ));
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array ( $result ))
2018-08-04 10:53:24 +02:00
$select_search_ric .= '
< option value = " '. $row["id"] .' " '; if($_REQUEST["search_ric"]==$row["id"]) {$select_search_ric.=' selected ';}else{$select_search_ric.=' ';} $select_search_ric.=' > '.$row["org"].' & nbsp ; & nbsp ; '.$row["org_name"].' </ option >
' ;
$select_search_ric .= '
</ select >
' ;
$select_max_results = '
< select name = " search_max_results " id = " search_max_results " >
< option value = " 20 " '; if(!$_REQUEST["search_max_results"] || $_REQUEST["search_max_results"]==' 20 ') {$select_max_results.=' selected ';}else{$select_max_results.=' ';} $select_max_results.=' > 20 </ option >
< option value = " 50 " '; if($_REQUEST["search_max_results"]==' 50 ') {$select_max_results.=' selected ';}else{$select_max_results.=' ';} $select_max_results.=' > 50 </ option >
< option value = " 100 " '; if($_REQUEST["search_max_results"]==' 100 ') {$select_max_results.=' selected ';}else{$select_max_results.=' ';} $select_max_results.=' > 100 </ option >
< option value = " 300 " '; if($_REQUEST["search_max_results"]==' 300 ') {$select_max_results.=' selected ';}else{$select_max_results.=' ';} $select_max_results.=' > 300 </ option >
< option value = " 500 " '; if($_REQUEST["search_max_results"]==' 500 ') {$select_max_results.=' selected ';}else{$select_max_results.=' ';} $select_max_results.=' > 500 </ option >
</ select >
' ;
$checkbox_time = '
< input name = " search_time " type = " checkbox " id = " search_time " value = " 1 " '; if($_REQUEST["search_time"]==' 1 ') $checkbox_time.=' checked ';$checkbox_time.=' >
' ;
// Tage erzeugen
$select_tag_from = '<select name="select_tag_from" id="select_tag_from">' ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < 32 ; $i ++ )
if ( ! $_REQUEST [ " Submit " ] && doublenum ( $i ) == date ( " d " , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( " m " ), date ( " d " ) - 7 , date ( " Y " ))) || doublenum ( $i ) == $_REQUEST [ " select_tag_from " ] ) { $selected = 'selected' ;} else { $selected = '' ;}
$select_tag_from .= '<option value="' . doublenum ( $i ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . doublenum ( $i ) . '</option>' ;
$select_tag_from .= '</select>' ;
// Monate erzeugen
$select_monat_from = '<select name="select_monat_from" id="select_monat_from">' ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < 13 ; $i ++ )
if ( ! $_REQUEST [ " Submit " ] && doublenum ( $i ) == date ( " m " , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( " m " ), date ( " d " ), date ( " Y " ))) || doublenum ( $i ) == $_REQUEST [ " select_monat_from " ] ) { $selected = 'selected' ;} else { $selected = '' ;}
$select_monat_from .= '<option value="' . doublenum ( $i ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . strftime ( " %B " , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , doublenum ( $i ), 1 , 2000 )) . '</option>' ;
$select_monat_from .= '</select>' ;
// Tage erzeugen
$select_tag_to = '<select name="select_tag_to" id="select_tag_to">' ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < 32 ; $i ++ )
if ( ! $_REQUEST [ " Submit " ] && doublenum ( $i ) == date ( " d " , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( " m " ), date ( " d " ), date ( " Y " ))) || doublenum ( $i ) == $_REQUEST [ " select_tag_to " ] ) { $selected = 'selected' ;} else { $selected = '' ;}
$select_tag_to .= '<option value="' . doublenum ( $i ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . doublenum ( $i ) . '</option>' ;
$select_tag_to .= '</select>' ;
// Monate erzeugen
$select_monat_to = '<select name="select_monat_to" id="select_monat_to">' ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < 13 ; $i ++ )
if ( ! $_REQUEST [ " Submit " ] && doublenum ( $i ) == date ( " m " , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( " m " ), date ( " d " ), date ( " Y " ))) || doublenum ( $i ) == $_REQUEST [ " select_monat_to " ] ) { $selected = 'selected' ;} else { $selected = '' ;}
$select_monat_to .= '<option value="' . doublenum ( $i ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . strftime ( " %B " , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , doublenum ( $i ), 1 , 2000 )) . '</option>' ;
$select_monat_to .= '</select>' ;
if ( ! $_REQUEST [ " search_time_from " ] ) { $search_time_from = '00:00' ; } else { $search_time_from = $_REQUEST [ " search_time_from " ]; }
if ( ! $_REQUEST [ " search_time_to " ] ) { $search_time_to = '00:00' ; } else { $search_time_to = $_REQUEST [ " search_time_to " ]; }
// Wenn User Adminrechte hat
if ( $_SESSION [ " admin " ] == 1 ) $nav_menu .= '<a href="admin.php">ADMIN</a> | ' ;
// Filter
if ( $_REQUEST [ " search_what " ] == 'word' )
if ( $_REQUEST [ " search_word " ] )
2018-10-01 12:12:24 +02:00
$show_filter = 'WHERE a.text LIKE "%' . $_REQUEST [ " search_word " ] . '%"' ;
2018-08-04 10:53:24 +02:00
if ( $_REQUEST [ " search_word_org " ] )
2018-10-01 12:12:24 +02:00
$show_filter .= 'AND d.org_name LIKE "%' . $_REQUEST [ " search_word_org " ] . '%"' ;
2018-08-04 10:53:24 +02:00
else {
2018-10-01 12:12:24 +02:00
$show_filter = 'WHERE d.org_name LIKE "%' . $_REQUEST [ " search_word_org " ] . '%"' ;
2018-08-04 10:53:24 +02:00
else {
2018-10-01 12:12:24 +02:00
$show_filter = 'WHERE d.id = "' . $_REQUEST [ " search_ric " ] . '"' ;
2018-08-04 10:53:24 +02:00
if ( $_REQUEST [ " search_org " ] != '0' )
$show_filter .= ' AND d.org = "' . $_REQUEST [ " search_org " ] . '"' ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ " search_time " ] == '1' )
if ( $_REQUEST [ " select_monat_from " ] > $_REQUEST [ " select_monat_to " ] ) { $year_from = $yearnow - 1 ; } else { $year_from = $yearnow ; }
//if( $search_time_to == '00:00' && $_REQUEST["search_time"] == '1' ) $_REQUEST["select_tag_to"] = $_REQUEST["select_tag_to"]+1;
$time_from = $year_from . $_REQUEST [ " select_monat_from " ] . $_REQUEST [ " select_tag_from " ] . search_time_small ( $_REQUEST [ " search_time_from " ]) . '00' ;
$time_to = $yearnow . $_REQUEST [ " select_monat_to " ] . $_REQUEST [ " select_tag_to " ] . search_time_small ( $_REQUEST [ " search_time_to " ]) . '00' ;
$show_filter .= ' AND zeit > "' . $time_from . '" AND zeit < "' . $time_to . '"' ;
// Auslesen pocsag
if ( $_REQUEST [ " search_what " ] == 'ric' && $_REQUEST [ " search_ric " ] != '' || $_REQUEST [ " search_what " ] == 'word' && $_REQUEST [ " search_word " ] != '' || $_REQUEST [ " search_what " ] == 'word' && $_REQUEST [ " search_word_org " ] != '' )
2018-10-01 12:12:24 +02:00
$result = mysqli_query ( $dbconn , " SELECT a.adresse AS adresse_neu, a.bezeichnung AS bezeichnung_neu, a.rec_typ, a.text, DATE_FORMAT(a.zeit, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s') AS zeit, a.funktion,
2018-08-04 10:53:24 +02:00
b . adresse , b . formatierung_id , b . bezeichnung ,
c . id , c . bg_farbe , c . text_farbe , c . text_format , c . text_groesse , c . text_groesse_text ,
d . org_name , d . org
FROM dme a
LEFT JOIN ric_zvei b ON b . adresse = a . adresse
LEFT JOIN formatierung c ON c . id = b . formatierung_id
LEFT JOIN organisation d ON d . id = b . org_id
2018-10-01 12:12:24 +02:00
ORDER BY a . zeit DESC LIMIT 0 , $_REQUEST [ search_max_results ] " ) or die (mysqli_error( $dbconn ));
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array ( $result ))
2018-08-04 10:53:24 +02:00
$bezeichnung = $row [ " bezeichnung " ];
// Tageswechsel ausgeben
2018-10-01 12:12:24 +02:00
if ( ! isset ( $lastday )) $lastday = " " ;
2018-08-04 10:53:24 +02:00
if ( get_day ( $row [ " zeit " ]) != $lastday )
$nextday = '
< tr >
< td colspan = " 5 " bgcolor = " black " >< span style = " color:white;font-size:16;font-weight:bold " >& nbsp ; '.get_date_long($row["zeit"]).' </ span ></ td >
</ tr >
' ;
$nextday = '' ;
$lastday = get_day ( $row [ " zeit " ]);
// Wenn unbekannte Ric Wert setzen
if ( ! $bezeichnung && ! $row [ " org_name " ] ) $bezeichnung = 'Unbekannt' ;
// default Farben bestimmen
2018-10-01 12:12:24 +02:00
if ( ! isset ( $row [ " bg_farbe " ]) ) $row [ " bg_farbe " ] = 'white' ;
if ( ! isset ( $row [ " text_farbe " ]) ) $row [ " text_farbe " ] = 'black' ;
if ( ! isset ( $row [ " text_farbe_text " ]) ) $row [ " text_farbe_text " ] = 'black' ;
if ( ! isset ( $row [ " bg_farbe_text " ]) ) $row [ " bg_farbe_text " ] = '#CCCCCC' ;
if ( ! isset ( $row [ " text_groesse " ]) ) $row [ " text_groesse " ] = '13' ;
if ( ! isset ( $row [ " text_groesse_text " ]) ) $row [ " text_groesse_text " ] = '12' ;
2018-08-04 10:53:24 +02:00
/* // pocsag in Array schreiben
$thisday = $nextday . '
< tr bgcolor = " '. $row["bg_farbe"] .' " >
< td width = " 60 " >< span style = " color:'. $row["text_farbe"] .';font-size:'. $row["text_groesse"] .';font-weight:'. $row["text_format"] .' " >& nbsp ; '.get_time($row["zeit"]).' </ span ></ td >
< td width = " 70% " height = " 2 " >< span style = " color:'. $row["text_farbe"] .';font-size:'. $row["text_groesse"] .';font-weight:'. $row["text_format"] .' " >& nbsp ; '.$row["org"].' </ span >< span style = " font-size:'. $row["text_groesse"] .' " > | </ span >< span style = " color:'. $row["text_farbe"] .';font-size:'. $row["text_groesse"] .';font-weight:'. $row["text_format"] .' " > '.$row["org_name"].' </ span >< span style = " font-size:'. $row["text_groesse"] .' " > | </ span >< span style = " color:'. $row["text_farbe"] .';font-size:'. $row["text_groesse"] .';font-weight:'. $row["text_format"] .' " > '.$bezeichnung.' </ span ></ td >
< td width = " 250 " >< span style = " color:'. $row["text_farbe"] .';font-size:'. $row["text_groesse"] .';font-weight:'. $row["text_format"] .' " >& nbsp ; '.$row["funktion"].' </ span ></ td >
</ tr >
' ;
// wenn das ne ZVEI ist keine Textzeile ausgeben
if ( $row [ " rec_typ " ] != " ZVEI " )
$thisday .= '
< tr bgcolor = " '. $row["bg_farbe_text"] .' " >
< td colspan = " 3 " >< span style = " color:'. $row["text_farbe_text"] .';font-size:'. $row["text_groesse_text"] .' " > '.$row["text"].' </ span ></ td >
</ tr >
' ;
// pocsag in Array schreiben
$thisday = $nextday . '
< tr bgcolor = " '. $row["bg_farbe"] .' " >
<!-- < td width = " 60 " >< span style = " color:'. $row["text_farbe"] .';font-size:'. $row["text_groesse"] .';font-weight:'. $row["text_format"] .' " >& nbsp ; '.get_time($row["zeit"]).' </ span ></ td > -->
< td width = " 60 " >< span style = " color:'. $row["text_farbe"] .';font-size:'. $status_size .';font-weight:bold " >& nbsp ; '.get_time($row["zeit"]).' </ span ></ td >
< td width = " 80 " height = " 2 " align = " center " >< span style = " color:'. $row["text_farbe"] .';font-size:'. $row["text_groesse"] .';font-weight:'. $row["text_format"] .' " >& nbsp ; '.$row["org"].' </ span ></ td >
< td width = " 100 " align = " center " >< span style = " color:'. $row["text_farbe"] .';font-size:'. $row["text_groesse"] .';font-weight:'. $row["text_format"] .' " > '.$bezeichnung.' </ span ></ td >
< td >< span style = " color:'. $row["text_farbe"] .';font-size:'. $row["text_groesse"] .';font-weight:'. $row["text_format"] .' " > & nbsp ; '.$row["org_name"].' </ span ></ td >
< td width = " 250 " >< span style = " color:'. $row["text_farbe"] .';font-size:'. $row["text_groesse"] .';font-weight:'. $row["text_format"] .' " >& nbsp ; '.$row["funktion"].' </ span ></ td >
</ tr >
' ;
// wenn das ne ZVEI ist keine Textzeile ausgeben
if ( $row [ " rec_typ " ] != " ZVEI " )
$thisday .= '
< tr bgcolor = " '. $row["bg_farbe_text"] .' " >
< td colspan = " 5 " >< span style = " color:'. $row["text_farbe_text"] .';font-size:'. $row["text_groesse_text"] .' " > '.$row["text"].' </ span ></ td >
</ tr >
' ;
$show [ $row [ " zeit " ]] = $thisday ;
// Array sortieren und Zeiger auf Anfang setzen
if ( $show )
krsort ( $show );
reset ( $show );
// Array in Variable fr Ausgabe schreiben
while ( list ( $k , $v ) = each ( $show ))
$show_all .= $v ;
// Seiteninhalt ausgeben
eval ( " \$ page_middle .= \" " . gettemplate ( $template_dir . " body_suche " ) . " \" ; " );
// Ausgabe Rahmen
eval ( " dooutput( \" " . gettemplate ( $template_dir . " rahmen " ) . " \" ); " );
// Datenbank schliessen
2018-10-01 12:12:24 +02:00
mysqli_close ( $dbconn );
2018-08-04 10:53:24 +02:00