Everything works locally without cloud access, you can use scripts/init_bambulab.py script to access your PRINTER_ID and PRINTER_CODE if it is not available on your printer.
- Rename config.env.template to config.env or set environment properies and:
- set OPENSPOOLMAN_BASE_URL - that is the URL where OpenSpoolMan will be available on your network. Must be https for NFC write to work. without trailing slash
- Open the server base url in browser on your mobile phone
- Optionally add Bambu Lab RFIDs to extra tag on your Bambu Spools so they will be matching. You can get the tag id from logs or from browser in AMS info.
- For non Bambu Lab filaments click on the filament and click Write and hold empty NFC tag to your phone (allow NFC in popup if prompted)
- Attach NFC tag to your filament
- Load filament to your AMS by loading it and then putting your phone near NFC tag and allowing your phone to open the website
- On the website pick the slot you put your filament in
Run locally in venv by configuring environment properties and running wsgi.py, supports adhoc ssl.
Run in docker by configuring config.env and running compose.yaml, you will need more setup/config to run ssl.
Run in kubernetes using helm chart, where you can configure the ingress with SSL. https://github.com/truecharts/public/blob/master/charts/library/common/values.yaml
You can turn this feature on to automatically update the spool usage in SpoolMan.
This feature is using slicer information about predicted filament weight usage (and in future correlating it with the progress of the printer to compute the estimate of filament used).
This feature has currently following issues/drawbacks:
- Spending on the start of the print
- Not spending according to print process and spending full filament weight even if print fails
- Don't know if it works with LAN mode, since it downloads the 3MF file from cloud
- Doesn't work if you print from SD card
- Not tested with multiple AMS systems
- External spool spending not yet implemented
- Not handling the mismatch between the SpoolMan and AMS (if you don't have the Active Tray information correct in spoolman it won't work properly)