jneilliii 52ba3ff214 0.1.8rc12
update pybambu module from upstream HA project
2024-12-01 16:30:12 -05:00

249 lines
7.1 KiB

import math
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from .const import (
from .commands import SEND_GCODE_TEMPLATE
def search(lst, predicate, default={}):
"""Search an array for a string"""
for item in lst:
if predicate(item):
return item
return default
def fan_percentage(speed):
"""Converts a fan speed to percentage"""
if not speed:
return 0
percentage = (int(speed) / 15) * 100
return round(percentage / 10) * 10
def fan_percentage_to_gcode(fan: FansEnum, percentage: int):
"""Converts a fan speed percentage to the gcode command to set that"""
if fan == FansEnum.PART_COOLING:
fanString = "P1"
elif fan == FansEnum.AUXILIARY:
fanString = "P2"
elif fan == FansEnum.CHAMBER:
fanString = "P3"
percentage = round(percentage / 10) * 10
speed = math.ceil(255 * percentage / 100)
command['print']['param'] = f"M106 {fanString} S{speed}\n"
return command
def set_temperature_to_gcode(temp: TempEnum, temperature: int):
"""Converts a temperature to the gcode command to set that"""
if temp == TempEnum.NOZZLE:
tempCommand = "M104"
elif temp == TempEnum.HEATBED:
tempCommand = "M140"
command['print']['param'] = f"{tempCommand} S{temperature}\n"
return command
def to_whole(number):
if not number:
return 0
return round(number)
def get_filament_name(idx, custom_filaments: dict):
"""Converts a filament idx to a human-readable name"""
result = FILAMENT_NAMES.get(idx, "unknown")
if result == "unknown" and idx != "":
result = custom_filaments.get(idx, "unknown")
# if result == "unknown" and idx != "":
# LOGGER.debug(f"UNKNOWN FILAMENT IDX: '{idx}'")
return result
def get_speed_name(id):
"""Return the human-readable name for a speed id"""
return SPEED_PROFILE.get(int(id), "standard")
def get_current_stage(id) -> str:
"""Return the human-readable description for a stage action"""
return CURRENT_STAGE_IDS.get(int(id), "unknown")
def get_HMS_error_text(hms_code: str):
"""Return the human-readable description for an HMS error"""
ams_code = get_generic_AMS_HMS_error_code(hms_code)
ams_error = HMS_AMS_ERRORS.get(ams_code, "")
if ams_error != "":
# 070X_xYxx_xxxx_xxxx = AMS X (0 based index) Slot Y (0 based index) has the error
ams_index = int(hms_code[3:4], 16) + 1
ams_slot = int(hms_code[6:7], 16) + 1
ams_error = ams_error.replace('AMS1', f"AMS{ams_index}")
ams_error = ams_error.replace('slot 1', f"slot {ams_slot}")
return ams_error
return HMS_ERRORS.get(hms_code, "unknown")
def get_print_error_text(print_error_code: str):
"""Return the human-readable description for a print error"""
hex_conversion = f'0{int(print_error_code):x}'
print_error_code = hex_conversion[slice(0,4,1)] + "_" + hex_conversion[slice(4,8,1)]
print_error = PRINT_ERROR_ERRORS.get(print_error_code.upper(), "")
if print_error != "":
return print_error
return PRINT_ERROR_ERRORS.get(print_error_code, "unknown")
def get_HMS_severity(code: int) -> str:
uint_code = code >> 16
if code > 0 and uint_code in HMS_SEVERITY_LEVELS:
return HMS_SEVERITY_LEVELS[uint_code]
return HMS_SEVERITY_LEVELS["default"]
def get_HMS_module(attr: int) -> str:
uint_attr = (attr >> 24) & 0xFF
if attr > 0 and uint_attr in HMS_MODULES:
return HMS_MODULES[uint_attr]
return HMS_MODULES["default"]
def get_generic_AMS_HMS_error_code(hms_code: str):
code1 = int(hms_code[0:4], 16)
code2 = int(hms_code[5:9], 16)
code3 = int(hms_code[10:14], 16)
code4 = int(hms_code[15:19], 16)
# 070X_xYxx_xxxx_xxxx = AMS X (0 based index) Slot Y (0 based index) has the error
ams_code = f"{code1 & 0xFFF8:0>4X}_{code2 & 0xF8FF:0>4X}_{code3:0>4X}_{code4:0>4X}"
ams_error = HMS_AMS_ERRORS.get(ams_code, "")
if ams_error != "":
return ams_code
return f"{code1:0>4X}_{code2:0>4X}_{code3:0>4X}_{code4:0>4X}"
def get_printer_type(modules, default):
# Known possible values:
# A1/P1 printers are of the form:
# {
# "name": "esp32",
# "project_name": "C11",
# "sw_ver": "",
# "hw_ver": "AP04",
# "sn": "**REDACTED**",
# "flag": 0
# },
# P1P = AP04 / C11
# P1S = AP04 / C12
# A1Mini = AP05 / N1 or AP04 / N1 or AP07 / N1
# A1 = AP05 / N2S
# X1C printers are of the form:
# {
# "hw_ver": "AP05",
# "name": "rv1126",
# "sn": "**REDACTED**",
# "sw_ver": ""
# },
# X1C = AP05
# X1E printers are of the form:
# {
# "flag": 0,
# "hw_ver": "AP02",
# "name": "ap",
# "sn": "**REDACTED**",
# "sw_ver": ""
# }
# X1E = AP02
apNode = search(modules, lambda x: x.get('hw_ver', "").find("AP0") == 0)
if len(apNode.keys()) > 1:
hw_ver = apNode['hw_ver']
project_name = apNode.get('project_name', '')
if hw_ver == 'AP02':
return 'X1E'
elif project_name == 'N1':
return 'A1MINI'
elif hw_ver == 'AP04':
if project_name == 'C11':
return 'P1P'
if project_name == 'C12':
return 'P1S'
elif hw_ver == 'AP05':
if project_name == 'N2S':
return 'A1'
if project_name == '':
return 'X1C'
LOGGER.debug(f"UNKNOWN DEVICE: hw_ver='{hw_ver}' / project_name='{project_name}'")
return default
def get_hw_version(modules, default):
"""Retrieve hardware version of printer"""
apNode = search(modules, lambda x: x.get('hw_ver', "").find("AP0") == 0)
if len(apNode.keys()) > 1:
return apNode.get("hw_ver")
return default
def get_sw_version(modules, default):
"""Retrieve software version of printer"""
ota = search(modules, lambda x: x.get('name', "") == "ota")
if len(ota.keys()) > 1:
return ota.get("sw_ver")
return default
def get_start_time(timestamp):
"""Return start time of a print"""
if timestamp == 0:
return None
return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
def get_end_time(remaining_time):
"""Calculate the end time of a print"""
end_time = round_minute(datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=remaining_time))
return end_time
def round_minute(date: datetime = None, round_to: int = 1):
""" Round datetime object to minutes"""
if not date:
date = datetime.now()
date = date.replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
delta = date.minute % round_to
return date.replace(minute=date.minute - delta)
def get_Url(url: str, region: str):
urlstr = BAMBU_URL[url]
if region == "China":
urlstr = urlstr.replace('.com', '.cn')
return urlstr