Your plugin's translations will reside here. The provided supports a couple of additional commands to make managing your translations easier: babel_extract Extracts any translateable messages (marked with Jinja's `_("...")` or JavaScript's `gettext("...")`) and creates the initial `messages.pot` file. babel_refresh Reruns extraction and updates the `messages.pot` file. babel_new --locale=<locale> Creates a new translation folder for locale `<locale>`. babel_compile Compiles the translations into `mo` files, ready to be used within OctoPrint. babel_pack --locale=<locale> [ --author=<author> ] Packs the translation for locale `<locale>` up as an installable language pack that can be manually installed by your plugin's users. This is interesting for languages you can not guarantee to keep up to date yourself with each new release of your plugin and have to depend on contributors for. If you want to bundle translations with your plugin, create a new folder `octoprint_bambu_printer/translations`. When that folder exists, an additional command becomes available: babel_bundle --locale=<locale> Moves the translation for locale `<locale>` to octoprint_bambu_printer/translations, effectively bundling it with your plugin. This is interesting for languages you can guarantee to keep up to date yourself with each new release of your plugin.