319 lines
11 KiB
319 lines
11 KiB
// Globale Variablen
let spoolmanUrl = '';
let spoolsData = [];
// Hilfsfunktionen für Datenmanipulation
function processSpoolData(data) {
return data.map(spool => ({
id: spool.id,
remaining_weight: spool.remaining_weight,
remaining_length: spool.remaining_length,
filament: spool.filament,
extra: spool.extra
// Dropdown-Funktionen
function populateVendorDropdown(data, selectedSmId = null) {
const vendorSelect = document.getElementById("vendorSelect");
if (!vendorSelect) {
console.error('vendorSelect Element nicht gefunden');
const onlyWithoutSmId = document.getElementById("onlyWithoutSmId");
if (!onlyWithoutSmId) {
console.error('onlyWithoutSmId Element nicht gefunden');
// Separate Objekte für alle Hersteller und gefilterte Hersteller
const allVendors = {};
const filteredVendors = {};
vendorSelect.innerHTML = '<option value="">Bitte wählen...</option>';
let vendorIdToSelect = null;
let totalSpools = 0;
let spoolsWithoutTag = 0;
let totalWeight = 0;
let totalLength = 0;
// Neues Objekt für Material-Gruppierung
const materials = {};
data.forEach(spool => {
if (!spool.filament || !spool.filament.vendor) {
// Material zählen und gruppieren
if (spool.filament.material) {
const material = spool.filament.material.toUpperCase(); // Normalisierung
materials[material] = (materials[material] || 0) + 1;
// Addiere Gewicht und Länge
if (spool.remaining_weight) {
totalWeight += spool.remaining_weight;
if (spool.remaining_length) {
totalLength += spool.remaining_length;
const vendor = spool.filament.vendor;
const hasValidNfcId = spool.extra &&
spool.extra.nfc_id &&
spool.extra.nfc_id !== '""' &&
spool.extra.nfc_id !== '"\\"\\"\\""';
if (!hasValidNfcId) {
// Alle Hersteller sammeln
if (!allVendors[vendor.id]) {
allVendors[vendor.id] = vendor.name;
// Gefilterte Hersteller für Dropdown
if (!filteredVendors[vendor.id]) {
if (!onlyWithoutSmId.checked || !hasValidNfcId) {
filteredVendors[vendor.id] = vendor.name;
// Nach der Schleife: Formatierung der Gesamtlänge
console.log("Total Length: ", totalLength);
const formattedLength = totalLength > 1000
? (totalLength / 1000).toFixed(2) + " km"
: totalLength.toFixed(2) + " m";
// Formatierung des Gesamtgewichts (von g zu kg zu t)
const weightInKg = totalWeight / 1000; // erst in kg umrechnen
const formattedWeight = weightInKg > 1000
? (weightInKg / 1000).toFixed(2) + " t"
: weightInKg.toFixed(2) + " kg";
// Dropdown mit gefilterten Herstellern befüllen - alphabetisch sortiert
.sort(([, nameA], [, nameB]) => nameA.localeCompare(nameB)) // Sort vendors alphabetically by name
.forEach(([id, name]) => {
const option = document.createElement("option");
option.value = id;
option.textContent = name;
document.getElementById("totalSpools").textContent = totalSpools;
document.getElementById("spoolsWithoutTag").textContent = spoolsWithoutTag;
// Zeige die Gesamtzahl aller Hersteller an
document.getElementById("totalVendors").textContent = Object.keys(allVendors).length;
// Neue Statistiken hinzufügen
document.getElementById("totalWeight").textContent = formattedWeight;
document.getElementById("totalLength").textContent = formattedLength;
// Material-Statistiken zum DOM hinzufügen
const materialsList = document.getElementById("materialsList");
materialsList.innerHTML = '';
.sort(([,a], [,b]) => b - a) // Sortiere nach Anzahl absteigend
.forEach(([material, count]) => {
const li = document.createElement("li");
li.textContent = `${material}: ${count} ${count === 1 ? 'Spool' : 'Spools'}`;
if (vendorIdToSelect) {
vendorSelect.value = vendorIdToSelect;
function updateFilamentDropdown(selectedSmId = null) {
const vendorId = document.getElementById("vendorSelect").value;
const dropdownContentInner = document.getElementById("filament-dropdown-content");
const filamentSection = document.getElementById("filamentSection");
const onlyWithoutSmId = document.getElementById("onlyWithoutSmId").checked;
const selectedText = document.getElementById("selected-filament");
const selectedColor = document.getElementById("selected-color");
dropdownContentInner.innerHTML = '';
selectedText.textContent = "Bitte wählen...";
selectedColor.style.backgroundColor = '#FFFFFF';
if (vendorId) {
const filteredFilaments = spoolsData.filter(spool => {
const hasValidNfcId = spool.extra &&
spool.extra.nfc_id &&
spool.extra.nfc_id !== '""' &&
spool.extra.nfc_id !== '"\\"\\"\\""';
return spool.filament.vendor.id == vendorId &&
(!onlyWithoutSmId || !hasValidNfcId);
filteredFilaments.forEach(spool => {
const option = document.createElement("div");
option.className = "dropdown-option";
option.setAttribute("data-value", spool.filament.id);
option.setAttribute("data-nfc-id", spool.extra.nfc_id || "");
const colorHex = spool.filament.color_hex || 'FFFFFF';
option.innerHTML = `
<div class="option-color" style="background-color: #${colorHex}"></div>
<span>${spool.id} | ${spool.filament.name} (${spool.filament.material})</span>
option.onclick = () => selectFilament(spool);
} else {
function selectFilament(spool) {
const selectedColor = document.getElementById("selected-color");
const selectedText = document.getElementById("selected-filament");
const dropdownContent = document.getElementById("filament-dropdown-content");
selectedColor.style.backgroundColor = `#${spool.filament.color_hex || 'FFFFFF'}`;
selectedText.textContent = `${spool.id} | ${spool.filament.name} (${spool.filament.material})`;
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('filamentSelected', {
detail: spool
// Initialisierung und Event-Handler
async function initSpoolman() {
try {
const response = await fetch('/api/url');
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`);
const data = await response.json();
if (!data.spoolman_url) {
throw new Error('spoolman_url nicht in der Antwort gefunden');
spoolmanUrl = data.spoolman_url;
const fetchedData = await fetchSpoolData();
spoolsData = processSpoolData(fetchedData);
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('spoolDataLoaded', {
detail: spoolsData
} catch (error) {
console.error('Fehler beim Initialisieren von Spoolman:', error);
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('spoolmanError', {
detail: { message: error.message }
async function fetchSpoolData() {
try {
if (!spoolmanUrl) {
throw new Error('Spoolman URL ist nicht initialisiert');
const response = await fetch(`${spoolmanUrl}/api/v1/spool`);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`);
const data = await response.json();
return data;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Fehler beim Abrufen der Spulen-Daten:', error);
return [];
// Exportiere Funktionen
window.getSpoolData = () => spoolsData;
window.reloadSpoolData = initSpoolman;
window.populateVendorDropdown = populateVendorDropdown;
window.updateFilamentDropdown = updateFilamentDropdown;
window.toggleFilamentDropdown = () => {
const content = document.getElementById("filament-dropdown-content");
// Event Listener
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const vendorSelect = document.getElementById('vendorSelect');
if (vendorSelect) {
vendorSelect.addEventListener('change', () => updateFilamentDropdown());
const onlyWithoutSmId = document.getElementById('onlyWithoutSmId');
if (onlyWithoutSmId) {
onlyWithoutSmId.addEventListener('change', () => {
document.addEventListener('spoolDataLoaded', (event) => {
window.onclick = function(event) {
if (!event.target.closest('.custom-dropdown')) {
const dropdowns = document.getElementsByClassName("dropdown-content");
for (let dropdown of dropdowns) {
const refreshButton = document.getElementById('refreshSpoolman');
if (refreshButton) {
refreshButton.addEventListener('click', async () => {
try {
refreshButton.disabled = true;
refreshButton.textContent = 'Wird aktualisiert...';
await initSpoolman();
refreshButton.textContent = 'Refresh Spoolman';
} finally {
refreshButton.disabled = false;
// Exportiere Funktionen
window.getSpoolData = () => spoolsData;
window.setSpoolData = (data) => { spoolsData = data; };
window.reloadSpoolData = initSpoolman;
window.populateVendorDropdown = populateVendorDropdown;
window.updateFilamentDropdown = updateFilamentDropdown;
window.toggleFilamentDropdown = () => {
const content = document.getElementById("filament-dropdown-content");
// Event Listener für Click außerhalb Dropdown
window.onclick = function(event) {
if (!event.target.closest('.custom-dropdown')) {
const dropdowns = document.getElementsByClassName("dropdown-content");
for (let dropdown of dropdowns) {
}; |