#include #include "ota.h" #include #include #include "commonFS.h" #include "bambu.h" #include "scale.h" #include "nfc.h" // Magic byte patterns für verschiedene Image-Typen const uint8_t FIRMWARE_MAGIC = 0xE9; const uint8_t ESP_MAGIC = 0xE9; static bool tasksAreStopped = false; void stopAllTasks() { // Stop all tasks Serial.println("Stopping RFID Reader"); if (RfidReaderTask) vTaskSuspend(RfidReaderTask); Serial.println("Stopping Bambu"); if (BambuMqttTask) vTaskSuspend(BambuMqttTask); Serial.println("Stopping Scale"); if (ScaleTask) vTaskSuspend(ScaleTask); vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); Serial.println("All tasks stopped"); } void handleOTAUpload(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, String filename, size_t index, uint8_t *data, size_t len, bool final) { static size_t contentLength = 0; static bool isFullImage = false; static uint32_t currentOffset = 0; // Flash layout constants from partitions.csv static const uint32_t FLASH_SIZE = 0x400000; // 4MB total static const uint32_t APP_SIZE = 0x1E0000; // Size per app partition static const uint32_t SPIFFS_OFFSET = 0x3D0000; // SPIFFS start if (!index) { contentLength = request->contentLength(); Serial.printf("Update size: %u bytes (0x%X)\n", contentLength, contentLength); if (contentLength == 0) { request->send(400, "application/json", "{\"status\":\"error\",\"message\":\"Invalid file size\"}"); return; } if (!tasksAreStopped && (RfidReaderTask || BambuMqttTask || ScaleTask)) { stopAllTasks(); tasksAreStopped = true; } isFullImage = (contentLength >= SPIFFS_OFFSET); if (!isFullImage) { // Regular firmware update must not exceed app partition size if (contentLength > APP_SIZE) { Serial.printf("Firmware too large: 0x%X > 0x%X\n", contentLength, APP_SIZE); request->send(400, "application/json", "{\"status\":\"error\",\"message\":\"Firmware too large\"}"); return; } if (!Update.begin(contentLength)) { Serial.printf("Not enough space for firmware: %u required\n", contentLength); request->send(400, "application/json", "{\"status\":\"error\",\"message\":\"Not enough space available\"}"); return; } Serial.printf("Firmware update started (size: 0x%X)\n", contentLength); } else { // Full image update if (contentLength > FLASH_SIZE) { Serial.printf("Image too large: 0x%X > 0x%X\n", contentLength, FLASH_SIZE); request->send(400, "application/json", "{\"status\":\"error\",\"message\":\"Image too large\"}"); return; } if (!Update.begin(FLASH_SIZE, U_FLASH)) { Serial.println("Could not begin full image update"); request->send(400, "application/json", "{\"status\":\"error\",\"message\":\"Could not start full update\"}"); return; } Serial.printf("Full image update started (size: 0x%X)\n", contentLength); } currentOffset = 0; } if (Update.write(data, len) != len) { String errorMsg = Update.errorString(); if (errorMsg != "No Error") { Update.printError(Serial); Serial.printf("Error at offset: 0x%X of 0x%X bytes\n", currentOffset, contentLength); request->send(400, "application/json", "{\"status\":\"error\",\"message\":\"Error writing update: " + errorMsg + "\"}"); return; } } // Progress logging if ((currentOffset % 0x40000) == 0) { // Log every 256KB Serial.printf("Update progress: 0x%X of 0x%X bytes (%.1f%%)\n", currentOffset, contentLength, (currentOffset * 100.0) / contentLength); } currentOffset += len; if (final) { if (Update.end(true)) { Serial.printf("Update complete: 0x%X bytes written\n", currentOffset); request->send(200, "application/json", "{\"status\":\"success\",\"message\":\"Update successful! Device will restart...\",\"restart\":true}"); delay(1000); ESP.restart(); } else { String errorMsg = Update.errorString(); if (errorMsg != "No Error") { Update.printError(Serial); request->send(400, "application/json", "{\"status\":\"error\",\"message\":\"Update failed: " + errorMsg + "\"}"); } else { request->send(200, "application/json", "{\"status\":\"success\",\"message\":\"Update successful! Device will restart...\",\"restart\":true}"); delay(1000); ESP.restart(); } } } }