name: Gitea Release on: workflow_call: inputs: server_url: description: 'Gitea server URL' required: false type: string default: '' secrets: GITEA_TOKEN: required: true jobs: create-release: runs-on: ubuntu-latest environment: production steps: - name: Checkout Repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v4 with: python-version: '3.9' - name: Install Build Dependencies run: | echo "Current directory: $(pwd)" # Systemabhängigkeiten sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y build-essential gcc git wget # PlatformIO CLI installieren curl -fsSL -o python3 # PATH aktualisieren echo "$HOME/.platformio/penv/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH export PATH="$HOME/.platformio/penv/bin:$PATH" echo "Verifying installation:" pio --version python --version gcc --version echo "Project contents:" ls -la - name: Prepare Build Environment run: | # PlatformIO Core initialisieren pio platform install "espressif32" echo "Installing libraries..." pio lib install \ "tzapu/WiFiManager @ ^2.0.17" \ "" \ "me-no-dev/AsyncTCP @ ^1.1.1" \ "bogde/HX711 @ ^0.7.5" \ "adafruit/Adafruit SSD1306 @ ^2.5.13" \ "adafruit/Adafruit GFX Library @ ^1.11.11" \ "adafruit/Adafruit PN532 @ ^1.3.3" \ "bblanchon/ArduinoJson @ ^7.3.0" \ "knolleary/PubSubClient @ ^2.8" \ "digitaldragon/SSLClient @ ^1.3.2" echo "Installed libraries:" pio lib list - name: Build Project run: | # PlatformIO Core Variablen setzen export PLATFORMIO_BUILD_FLAGS="-D VERSION=\\"1.2.35\\" -DNDEBUG" echo "Building project..." pio run -e esp32dev -v echo "Building SPIFFS..." pio run -e esp32dev -t buildfs -v echo "Build output:" ls -la .pio/build/esp32dev/ - name: Merge Firmware Files run: | pip install esptool==4.5.1 echo "Available files:" ls -la .pio/build/esp32dev/ --chip esp32 merge_bin \ --flash_mode dio \ --flash_freq 40m \ --flash_size 4MB \ -o .pio/build/esp32dev/filaman_full.bin \ 0x1000 .pio/build/esp32dev/bootloader.bin \ 0x8000 .pio/build/esp32dev/partitions.bin \ 0x10000 .pio/build/esp32dev/firmware.bin \ 0x290000 .pio/build/esp32dev/spiffs.bin cp .pio/build/esp32dev/firmware.bin .pio/build/esp32dev/filaman_ota.bin echo "Final binaries:" ls -la .pio/build/esp32dev/filaman_*.bin - name: Create Release shell: bash env: TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }} SERVER_URL: ${{ inputs.server_url }} run: | # Basis-Variablen API_BASE="${GITEA_SERVER_URL:-${SERVER_URL}}/api/v1" REPO="${GITEA_REPOSITORY}" TAG="${GITEA_REF_NAME}" echo "Release configuration:" echo "API Base: $API_BASE" echo "Repository: $REPO" echo "Tag: $TAG" # Test API-Verbindung echo "Testing API connection..." curl -k -v \ -H "Authorization: token ${TOKEN}" \ "${API_BASE}/version" # Release erstellen echo "Creating release..." RESPONSE=$(curl -k -v \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: token ${TOKEN}" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "{\"tag_name\":\"${TAG}\",\"name\":\"Release ${TAG}\"}" \ "${API_BASE}/repos/${REPO}/releases") echo "Release response:" echo "$RESPONSE" # Release ID extrahieren RELEASE_ID=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | grep -o '"id":[0-9]*' | cut -d':' -f2 | head -n1) if [ -n "$RELEASE_ID" ]; then echo "Release created with ID: $RELEASE_ID" # Binärdateien hochladen for file in "filaman_full.bin" "filaman_ota.bin"; do echo "Uploading $file..." curl -k -v \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: token ${TOKEN}" \ -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \ --data-binary "@.pio/build/esp32dev/$file" \ "${API_BASE}/repos/${REPO}/releases/${RELEASE_ID}/assets?name=$file" done echo "Upload completed" else echo "Failed to create release" exit 1 fi